[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Bacteriophage phi 80 DNA-fragment with replication origin

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/25/91)

LOCUS       P80PHI80      233 bp ds-DNA             PHG       25-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Bacteriophage phi 80 DNA-fragment with replication origin
KEYWORDS    origin of replication.
SOURCE      Bacteriophage phi-80 DNA.
  ORGANISM  Bacteriophage phi-80
            Viridae; ds-DNA nonenveloped viruses; Siphoviridae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 233)
  AUTHORS   Grosschedl,R. and Hobom,G.
  TITLE     DNA sequences and structural homologies of the replication origins
            of lambdoid bacteriophages
  JOURNAL   Nature 277, 621-627 (1979)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL    entry XXPHI80;  dated 02-JUL-1986.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     rep_origin      40..187
                     /note="origin of replication of phi 21"
     misc_feature    40..128
                     /note="pot. binding site for initiator protein"
     repeat_region   50..55
                     /note="multiple repeated sequence I"
     misc_feature    61..66
                     /note="inverted repeat of sequence I"
     repeat_region   71..76
                     /note="direct repeat of I"
     misc_feature    82..87
                     /note="inverted repeat of I"
     repeat_region   92..97
                     /note="direct repeat of I"
     misc_feature    103..108
                     /note="inverted repeat of I"
     repeat_region   113..117
                     /note="imp. direct repeat of I"
     misc_feature    129..155
                     /note="pot. region of replicational primer start site"
     misc_feature    156..187
                     /note="pot. binding site for initiator protein"
BASE COUNT       91 a     51 c     48 g     43 t
        1 ggaccaaata aaaacatctc agaatggtgc atcctcaaaa cgagggaaaa tcccctaaaa
       61 cgagggataa aacatccctc aaattggggg attgctatcc ctcaaaacag ggggacacaa
      121 aagacactat tacaaaagaa aaaagaaaag attattcgtc agagaattct ggcgaatcct
      181 ctgaccagcc agaaaacgac ctttctgtgg tgaaaccgga tgctgcaatt cag