[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Tobacco chloroplast genes for tRNA-Arg

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/25/91)

LOCUS       TOBNTARG     1076 bp ds-DNA             ORG       25-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Tobacco chloroplast genes for tRNA-Arg (ACG) and tRNA-Asn (GUU)
ACCESSION   X02441 V00164
KEYWORDS    direct repeat; inverted repeat; transfer RNA; transfer RNA-Arg;
            transfer RNA-Asn; unidentified reading frame.
SOURCE      Chloroplast Nicotiana tabacum DNA.
  ORGANISM  Chloroplast Nicotiana tabacum
            Eukaryota; Plantae; Embryobionta; Magnoliophyta; Magnoliopsida;
            Asteridae; Solanales; Solanaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Kato,A., Shimada,H., Kusuda,M. and Sugiura,M.
  TITLE     The nucleotide sequences of two tRNA-Asn genes from tobacco
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 9, 5601-5607 (1981)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1076)
  AUTHORS   Kato,A., Takaiwa,F., Shinozaki,K. and Sugiura,M.
  TITLE     Location and nucleotide sequence of the genes for tobacco
            chloroplast tRNA-Arg(ACG) and tRNA-Leu(UAG)
  JOURNAL   Curr. Genet. 9, 405-409 (1985)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     Data kindly reviewed (15-NOV-1985) by M. Sugiura
            From EMBL    entry CHNTARG;  dated 06-JUL-1989.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     promoter        16..21
                     /note="pot. -35 like region"
     promoter        41..47
                     /note="pot. -10 like region"
     RBS             138..141
                     /note="pot. ribosome binding site"
     CDS             147..272
                     /note="unidentified reading frame ORF 42"
     tRNA            150..223
                     /note="tRNA-Arg (ACG)"
     repeat_region   219..226
                     /note="imp. direct repeat"
     repeat_region   230..237
                     /note="imp. direct repeat"
     misc_feature    complement(250..251)
                     /note="tRNA-Arg-like sequence"
     RBS             263..266
                     /note="pot. ribosome binding site"
     CDS             272..385
                     /note="unidentified reading frame ORF 38"
     misc_signal     389..405
                     /note="pot. regulation signal, stem loop structure"
     repeat_unit     389..393
                     /note="inverted repeat A"
     repeat_unit     401..405
                     /note="inverted repeat A'"
     misc_feature    728..743
                     /note="pot. stem loop structure"
     repeat_unit     728..734
                     /note="inverted repeat B"
     repeat_unit     737..743
                     /note="inverted repeat B'"
     misc_feature    751..769
                     /note="pot. stem loop structure"
     repeat_unit     751..756
                     /note="inverted repeat C"
     repeat_unit     764..769
                     /note="inverted repeat C'"
     CDS             complement(773..997)
                     /note="unidentified reading frame ORF 75"
     tRNA            complement(805..876)
                     /note="tRNA-Asn (GUU)"
     RBS             complement(1008..1012)
                     /note="pot. ribosome binding site"
     promoter        complement(1028..1034)
                     /note="pot. -10 like region"
     promoter        complement(1049..1051)
                     /note="pot. -35 like region"
BASE COUNT      284 a    261 c    237 g    294 t
        1 tcccttctct cccacttcac acctcggaac gcacccttct tatagagata aacgcgcctt
       61 cacatcttct taacccgaaa tggctgggga gaggaaaggt tccttttttt gagggtactc
      121 ccgggaacag atccagtgga gacggggtgg ggcctgtagc tcagaggatt agagcacgtg
      181 gctacgaacc acggtgtcgg gggttcgaat ccctcctcgc ccacaaccgg cccaaaaggg
      241 aagtaccttt ccctctgggg gtaggaaaat catgatcggg atagcgaacc aaaagctatg
      301 gaacttgggt gtgggtcttt tgtcgaaatg gaatggcttt tctttttctc tttttattta
      361 tcgtgaatgg gggaatcatt acacatagta tgcccggtca gcatattttt ttgttttacg
      421 ccccgtaact cttcctcagc caggcttggg cagaatagca gagcaagtat tagtagcata
      481 acaaaaaagc cttcctcgtc attaatatct ttgctcgcgg caattgtgac ctctcgggag
      541 aatcgatgac tgcatctttg atgcagtgct agtatatctg agacttctta attggctagt
      601 tgtaaatagc cccagggcta tggaacaaag gattatctcg gacctagacc gaggtattga
      661 tggtgatttt ctaatctcgc agaacagaat gtgatacgat gagatagaat gcaatagaaa
      721 caaagacagg gaacgggtta cctactctta acgggcaaag cgagcccctt tattctgaat
      781 tctttaattc agaatcaatc aaatctcccc aagtaggatt cgaacctacg accaatcggt
      841 taacagccga ccgctctacc actgagctac tgaggaacaa caggagattc gatctcatag
      901 agttcaattc ccgttcccaa cccatgacca atatgagctc gaagcttcct tcgtaactcc
      961 cggaacttct tcgtagtggc tcccttacat gcctcatttc agagggaacc tcaaagtggc
     1021 tctatttcat tatattccat ccatatccca attccattca tttaatatcc ctttgg