[net.followup] Cannibals [I suppose 'Orphan

rigney@uokvax.UUCP (11/25/83)

uokvax!rigney    Nov 23 00:38:00 1983

Yes, this point was brought up in an utterly fascinating history
class I took last summer.  The misogynistic, patriarchal nature
of judaism was in part to prevent women from the surrounding
cthonic cultures from wanting to marry into the Jewish tribes,
which would've diluted their culture and led to their eventual
absorption into the general populace.  Cultural identity was
preserved at the cost of cultural harmony with those surrounding.
(more and better details if anyone's interested.  This is in
no way an opinion on the current state of judaism, christianity, or
other religions, cthonic, uranic, or otherwise.)

	Have a nice day,