[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Mitochondrion oenothera bertiana mRNA for nad3 gene, rps12

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/25/91)

LOCUS       OBEOBNADR     978 bp ss-mRNA            ORG       25-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Mitochondrion oenothera bertiana mRNA for nad3 gene, rps12
            pseudogene and ORF for NADH-dehydrogenase subunit 3
KEYWORDS    NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3; nad gene; ribosomal protein;
            ribosomal protein S12; small ribosomal protein;
            unidentified reading frame.
SOURCE      Mitochondrion Oenothera berteriana RNA.
  ORGANISM  Mitochondrion Oenothera berteriana
            Eukaryota; Plantae; Embryobionta; Magnoliophyta; Magnoliopsida;
            Rosidae; Myrtales; Onagraceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 978)
  AUTHORS   Schuster,W.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 978)
  AUTHORS   Schuster,W., Wissinger,B., Unseld,M. and Brennicke,A.
  TITLE     Transcripts of the NADH-dehydrogenase subunit 3 gene are
            differentially edited in Oenothera mitochondria
  JOURNAL   EMBO J. 9, 263-269 (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     *source: strain=Munzia; see <X52199> for genomic sequence
            From EMBL    entry MIOBNADR;  dated 16-AUG-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             <1..230
                     /note="ORF (77 AA) (1 is 2nd base in codon)"
     misc_feature    172..172
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    175..175
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     CDS             484..837
                     /note="nad3 protein (AA 1 - 118)"
     misc_feature    487..487
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    527..527
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    629..629
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    691..691
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    692..692
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    697..697
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    708..708
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    730..730
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    733..733
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    749..749
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    758..758
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    765..765
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    800..800
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    827..827
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     misc_feature    832..832
                     /note="editing from c (genomic) to u"
     CDS             866..967
                     /note="rps12 pseudogene (AA 1 - 34)"
BASE COUNT      263 a    172 c    219 g    324 t
        1 ctctgttaga ttctcgggtc gaaatacggg aaaactcaat tcaattctcg atggaaacgg
       61 agttttgcga attctccccg gaactggaag atcatttcga gatcttcgaa catattcgaa
      121 ggttcaatgt tactattgtc acttcggcca acacccaaga tgagacttta ctactgtgga
      181 gcggcttttt gcaaaaagat gagggggaaa gtttcaaatg gaaaactcct taaagtcaaa
      241 tgcatcttga ccgaactgag agaaaacctt gttttgatag gatttcttct tctgtgactt
      301 tatatttcta aaatgaacgc ccatttttcc tgatgctaag tccgccgtag cccttctagg
      361 gatacatctt ctagcactaa agtgcaagat tcaacaacta tggaatgaat ctagttgcgg
      421 gatgggtttt tccggtatgc cgctccgcga gcaaggagcg aaagaacaaa gtgggctgtg
      481 gtgatgttag aatttgcacc tatttgtatc tctttagtga tcagtctgct actttctttg
      541 atcctactcg ttgttccttt tctattttct tccaatagtt cgacctatcc agaaaaattg
      601 tcggcctacg aatgtggttt cgatcctttc ggtgatgcca gaagtcgctt cgatatacga
      661 ttttatcttg tttcaatttt atttattatc tttgatttgg aagtaacttt tttctttcct
      721 tgggcagtat ctttcaacaa gattgatctg tttggatttt ggtctatgat ggccttttta
      781 ttgattttga cgattggatt tctctatgaa tggaaaaggg gtgctttgga ttgggagtaa
      841 tcactagtaa gagggaaaaa agagggggga aggtcagaat ttgcaggaac attctaaggt
      901 cttaataaga ggaggtagag tgaaagattt cccaggtgtg aaatcccatt gtattcgagg
      961 agtcaagtca acaataat