[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Maize mitochondrial tRNA-Ser gene and tRNA-Phe pseudogene

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/25/91)

LOCUS       MZEZMTRS      600 bp ds-DNA             ORG       25-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Maize mitochondrial tRNA-Ser gene and tRNA-Phe pseudogene
KEYWORDS    insertion sequence; pseudogene; transfer RNA; transfer RNA-Phe;
            transfer RNA-Ser.
SOURCE      Mitochondrion Zea mays DNA.
  ORGANISM  Mitochondrion Zea mays
            Eukaryota; Plantae; Embryobionta; Magnoliophyta; Liliopsida;
            Commelinidae; Cyperales; Poaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 600)
  AUTHORS   Wintz,H., Grienenberg,J.-M., Weil,J.-H. and Lonsdale,D.M.
  TITLE     Location and nucleotide sequence of two tRNA genes and a tRNA
            pseudo-gene in the maize mitochondrial genome: evidence for the
            transcription of a chloroplast gene in mitochondria
  JOURNAL   Curr. Genet. 13, 247-254 (1988)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     *source: tissue=shoot; clone=DRP3.55 and DRP5.7;
            Data kindly reviewed (16-SEP-1988) by GRIENENBERGER J.M.
            From EMBL    entry MIZMTRS;  dated 06-JUL-1989.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     tRNA            111..198
     repeat_region   441..448
                     /note="direct repeat 1"
     misc_feature    444..562
                     /note="tRNA-Phe pseudogene"
     repeat_region   481..488
                     /note="direct repeat 2"
     repeat_region   482..488
                     /note="direct repeat 3"
     insertion_seq   489..535
                     /note="insertion sequence"
     repeat_region   529..536
                     /note="direct repeat 2"
     repeat_region   538..545
                     /note="direct repeat 1"
     repeat_region   547..551
                     /note="direct repeat 3"
BASE COUNT      145 a    137 c    166 g    152 t
        1 gagatctgga tagagtcttt ctcgctcagt aaagaagagt acgcgcgcta cggcttacgc
       61 agtggatctt cgggcaaccg gcacatccaa ttccgatcaa caacttggat ggaggtatgg
      121 ctgagtggct taaggcattg gtttgctaaa tcgacataca agaagattgt atcatgggtt
      181 cgaatcccat ttcctccggt tgaacgggcg ggcgaaatta cgtgagagaa agaacctcag
      241 attgatggag tccgccgtcg gacagaatag cactacttag tgactaggag cggacgcccc
      301 tttcttgttc ttggtggcgt ctatagcgaa gaagaccttc ccgaacgagg gccgtccagt
      361 ccctcccggc tctcggttct taggcaagct cctccactgc gggtaggatg ctcatagatg
      421 aagaaaagag actttaggca agtggttctg gtagctcagc tggttagagc aaaggactta
      481 aaatcctttt ttgcttgttt cagtgggaag agcaaggcat agcccttgaa atccttcagt
      541 ggttcgaatc cacatctgag cgtctttttt tttcggtatg ccgctccgcg agcaaggagg