[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Arabidopsis thaliana kin1 gene for cold and ABA inducible protein

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/25/91)

LOCUS       ATHKIN1       800 bp ds-DNA             PLN       25-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Arabidopsis thaliana kin1 gene for cold and ABA inducible protein
KEYWORDS    ABA-inducible protein; cold acclimation; kin1 gene.
SOURCE      Arabidopsis thaliana DNA.
  ORGANISM  Arabidopsis thaliana
            Eukaryota; Plantae; Embryobionta; Magnoliophyta; Magnoliopsida;
            Dilleniidae; Capparales; Brassicaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 800)
  AUTHORS   Lehvaeslaiho,H.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 800)
  AUTHORS   Kurkela,S. and Franck,M.
  TITLE     Cloning and characterisation of a cold and ABA-inducible
            Arabidopsis gene
  JOURNAL   Plant Mol. Biol. 15, 137-144 (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     Data kindly reviewed (08-OCT-1990) by Lehvaeslaiho H.
            *source: strain=colombia;
            From EMBL    entry ATKIN1;  dated 18-OCT-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     promoter        38..43
                     /note="TATA box"
     precursor_RNA   73..>72
                     /note="primary transcript"
     mRNA            73..188
                     /note="exon 1"
     CDS             133..188
                     /note="kin1 protein (AA 1-19) (188 is 2nd base in codon)"
     intron          189..361
                     /note="intron I"
     mRNA            362..430
                     /note="exon 2"
     CDS             362..430
                     /note="kin1 protein (AA 20-42) (362 is 3rd base in codon)
                     (430 is 2nd base in codon)"
     intron          431..537
                     /note="intron II"
     mRNA            538..>537
                     /note="exon 3"
     CDS             538..610
                     /note="kin1 protein (AA 43-66) (538 is 3rd base in codon)"
     misc_feature    654..659
                     /note="put. polyA signal"
     misc_feature    675..680
                     /note="put. alternative polyA signal"
     polyA_site      692..692
                     /note="polyA site"
     misc_feature    716..721
                     /note="put. alternative polyA signal"
     polyA_site      723..723
                     /note="alternative polyA site"
     polyA_site      726..726
                     /note="alternative polyA site"
     polyA_site      730..730
                     /note="alternative polyA site"
     polyA_site      734..734
                     /note="alternative polyA site"
     polyA_site      755..755
                     /note="alternative polyA site"
     misc_feature    756..761
                     /note="put. alternative polyA signal"
     polyA_site      795..795
                     /note="alternative polyA site"
BASE COUNT      272 a    136 c    147 g    245 t
        1 gttttagatt actcgtggca ccacactccc tttagcctat aaatataaac cattaagccc
       61 acatctcttc tcatcatcac taaccaaaac acacttcaaa aacgatttta caagaaataa
      121 atatctgaaa aaatgtcaga gaccaacaag aatgccttcc aagccggtca gaccgctggc
      181 aaagctgagg tactactctt tctctctttg acagaactct taaactggaa aaattgttga
      241 agctataact ctttgaaaac agttgaaact tgatcattac tagaaatttc agttacttgt
      301 ttaatttagt ttgtcgtaat tatgtaattg atgattttat ggttacaatg gttgtcatgt
      361 aggagaagag caatgttctg ctggacaagg ccaaggatgc tgcagctggt gctggagctg
      421 gagcacaaca ggtaaacaat ccatacacag acacataaca tataatatgt aacgaaataa
      481 acgtctttgt aagcttacat gtacgcagat ttctgatatg gttatgtata tgttataggc
      541 gggaaagagt gtatcggatg cggcagcggg aggtgttaac ttcgtgaagg acaagaccgg
      601 cctgaacaag tagagattcg ggtcaaattt gggagttata atttcccttt tctaattaac
      661 tgttgggatt ttcaaataaa cgatctttga tcaagaattg cattatatat atataaatat
      721 attgcaaaat tattagacga gccaaactta tattcaaata atgttttatc tattttaaaa
      781 aatattcttt atgcgaaaga