LOCUS RCAFDXA 649 bp ds-DNA BCT 27-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Rhodobacter capsulatus fdxA gene for ferredoxin II ACCESSION X53300 KEYWORDS fdxA gene; ferredoxin; ferredoxin II. SOURCE Rhodobacter capsulatus DNA. ORGANISM Rhodobacter capsulatus Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Anoxyphotobacteria; Purple nonsulfur bacteria. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 649) AUTHORS Jouanneau,Y. JOURNAL Unpublished (1990) STANDARD full automatic REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 649) AUTHORS Duport,C., Jouanneau,Y. and Vignais,P.M. TITLE Nucleotide sequence of fdxA encoding a 7Fe ferredoxin of Rhodobacter capsulatus JOURNAL Nucleic Acids Res. 18, 4618-4618 (1990) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT *source: strain=B10; Data kindly reviewed (29-AUG-1990) by Jouanneau Y. From EMBL entry RCFDXA; dated 01-OCT-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 184..519 /note="ferredoxin II (AA 1-112)" /codon_start=184 BASE COUNT 118 a 211 c 209 g 111 t ORIGIN 1 tcgggggtca cggggcttct gtagcgcgcg ctcggcgatg gcctcggcgc gtctgcccga 61 tccgagccgc cgcttcagcc ccccggcact tcgccgcacc cggtttttgt atatctcctg 121 ctcttgattg atcgcccccg gagggctagg acatccctgc gccaaagatt ggggttacaa 181 agaatgacct atgtcgtcac cgacaactgc atcgcctgca aatataccga ctgtgtggaa 241 gtctgcccgg tggactgctt ctacgagggc gagaacacgc tggtgatcca tcccgatgaa 301 tgcatcgact gcggggtctg cgaaccggaa tgcccggccg acgcgattcg tccggacacc 361 gagccgggca tggaagactg ggtcgagttc aaccgcacct atgcaagcca atggccggtg 421 atcacgatca agaaagaccc gatgcccgat cacaagaaat acgacggcga gaccggcaag 481 cgcgagaaat acttctcgcc caatcccggc acgggcgact gagcgcgggc gactgagcac 541 cgcgtcaggg cccggggcgc ggggctgtcc cgccccggtc cgagtcgccg cgggggccgt 601 ttgaccggcc cttgcgggcg gcgccgttgc atgcgcggat tcgtcgctg //