Robert@sri-unix (07/09/82)
The suggestion of restricting export of lawn chairs to USSR because they might be used in anti-satellite warfare, is absurd. A lawn chair has many uses, including lounging out in the pateo or on the lawn. It's a general-purpose device like a CPU chip that can be used for both military and non-military purposes (mostly the latter). Hey you all, let's stop trying to restrict trade of general-purpose devices, ok? Restrict weapons, not lawn chairs!
elr (07/09/82)
While I agree that the suggestion of restricting export of lawn chairs to the USSR for their use in anti-satellite warfare is absurd; they still could be used as weapons. For instance; they could convert them to the deadly beach chair and use them to line their coast. So when our troops storm their beach they will trip on the chairs, sprain their ankles, and be sitting ducks for the Russian Lifeguards to take them hostage. Another military application for these lawn chairs is to place them under a shade tree at the front line with the country you are battling with. The tired enemy troops (us) will see them and sit down to rest. Almost immediately they will fall through the weavings becoming hopelessly stuck and taken prisoner. Therefore we should all write our congress-creatures and get them to pass legislation restricting the sale of lawn chairs to the USSR for national security reasons. Elliot Rappaport BTL - Holmdel