[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Streptomyces lividans promoter P1

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       STMPROMP1     218 bp ds-DNA             BCT       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Streptomyces lividans promoter P1 (SEP8)
KEYWORDS    promoter.
SOURCE      Streptomyces lividans DNA.
  ORGANISM  Streptomyces lividans
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Streptomycetaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 218)
  AUTHORS   Forsman,M. and Jaurin,B.
  TITLE     Chromogenic identification of promoters in Streptomyces
  JOURNAL   Mol. Gen. Genet. 210, 23-32 (1987)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     *source: strai=1326;
            From EMBL    entry SLPROMP1;  dated 15-AUG-1988.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     promoter        127..132
                     /note="-35 region"
     misc_feature    138..141
                     /note="core sequence TGCA"
     misc_feature    148..151
                     /note="core sequence TGCA"
     promoter        150..155
                     /note="-10 region"
     misc_feature    158..161
                     /note="core sequence TGCA"
     misc_feature    160..160
                     /note="transcription start"
     misc_feature    161..161
                     /note="transcription start"
     misc_feature    168..173
                     /note="P1 (SEP8)-ampC junction"
     RBS             181..186
                     /note="ampC ribosome-binding site"
     CDS             198..218
                     /note="part ampC protein (AA 1-7)"
BASE COUNT       52 a     58 c     62 g     46 t
        1 cgtgcgtgaa gaagagggct gcgcctcgat gaaggcgcgg agtctgccgt ctatgcgctc
       61 ataagtcttt cccatgtcta acgattatgc gggtgcggga cgccgaggcg gcaccaagcc
      121 gcaagattga cgaaacatgc agagtcctgc atactcatgc atgacagtga tcccgttttg
      181 tatggaaacc agaccctatg ttcaaaacga cgctctgc