[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] S. typhimurium gene hisJ encoding the protein J. J

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       STYHISJ       783 bp ds-DNA             BCT       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  S. typhimurium gene hisJ encoding the protein J. J (a periplasmic
            histidine-binding protein) is involved in the transport of
            histidine. J is known to interact with the membrane-bound protein
KEYWORDS    periplasmic protein; signal peptide.
SOURCE      Salmonella typhimurium DNA.
  ORGANISM  Salmonella typhimurium
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;
            Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 783)
  AUTHORS   Higgins,C.F. and Ames,G.F.
  TITLE     Two periplasmic transport proteins which interact with a common
            membrane receptor show extensive homology: complete nucleotide
  JOURNAL   Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78, 6038-6042 (1981)
  STANDARD  full automatic
            Related to the argT gene listed in <STARGT>.
            From EMBL    entry STHISJ;  dated 06-JUL-1989.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             1..780
                     /note="reading frame hisJ"
BASE COUNT      201 a    190 c    218 g    174 t
        1 atgaaaaaac tggcgttatc cctttctctg gtgctggcat tttccagcgc taccgcagca
       61 tttgccgcta ttccacaaaa gattcgcatc ggtaccgatc ctacatacgc accgtttgaa
      121 tccaaaaatg cacaaggtga attggtcggc tttgatatcg atctggccaa agagctgtgc
      181 aaacgtatca acacacagtg tacgttcgtg gaaaacccgc tggatgcgct gattccgtct
      241 ttaaaagcga agaaaattga tgccatcatg tcctcgctgt ccatcactga aaagcgccag
      301 caggaaatcg cgtttaccga caagctttac gccgctgatt cccgtctggt ggtggcgaag
      361 aactctgata ttcagccgac cgtcgcgtcg ctgaaaggca agcgcgtcgg cgtgctacag
      421 gggacgacgc aggagacctt cggcaatgag cactgggcgc cgaaagggat tgagatcgtc
      481 tcttaccagg ggcaggacaa catttattcc gacctgacgg ctggccgtat tgatgcggcg
      541 ttccaggacg aggtcgcggc cagcgaaggt ttccttaaac agcccgtcgg aaaagactat
      601 aaattcggcg gcccggcggt gaaagatgag aagttattcg gcgtaggaac cggtatgggg
      661 ctgcgcaaag aggataacga gctgcgcgaa gcgctgaaca aagcctttgc tgaaatgcgt
      721 gctgacggta cttacgaaaa gctggcgaaa aagtactttg attttgatgt ttatggcggt
      781 taa