[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Vitreoscilla sp. hemoglobin gene

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       VITTHB        648 bp ds-DNA             BCT       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Vitreoscilla sp. hemoglobin gene
KEYWORDS    hemoglobin.
SOURCE      Vitreoscilla sp. DNA.
  ORGANISM  Vitreoscilla sp.
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;
            Nonphotosynthetic, nonfruiting gliding bacteria; Cytophagales;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 648)
  AUTHORS   Khosla,C. and Bailey,J.E.
  TITLE     The Vitreoscilla hemoglobin gene: Molecular cloning, nucleotide
            sequence and genetic expression in Escherichia coli
  JOURNAL   Mol. Gen. Genet. 214, 158-161 (1988)
  STANDARD  full automatic
            *source: library=pUC19; clone=pRED2 and pRED4;
            From EMBL    entry VITHB;  dated 03-FEB-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     promoter        14..20
                     /note="-35 region"
     promoter        32..38
                     /note="-10 region"
     RBS             89..92
                     /note="pot. ribosome binding site"
     CDS             101..538
                     /note="hemoglobin (AA 1 - 146)"
BASE COUNT      192 a    123 c    155 g    178 t
        1 tgtggattaa gttttaagag gcaataaaga ttataataag tgctgctaca ccatactgat
       61 gtatggcaaa accataataa tgaacttaag gaagaccctc atgttagacc agcaaaccat
      121 taacatcatc aaagccactg ttcctgtatt gaaggagcat ggcgttacca ttaccacgac
      181 tttttataaa aacttgtttg ccaaacaccc tgaagtacgt cctttgtttg atatgggtcg
      241 ccaagaatct ttggagcagc ctaaggcttt ggcgatgacg gtattggcgg cagcgcaaaa
      301 cattgaaaat ttgccagcta ttttgcctgc ggtcaaaaaa attgcagtca aacattgtca
      361 agcaggcgtg gcagcagcgc attatccgat tgtcggtcaa gaattgttgg gtgcgattaa
      421 agaagtattg ggcgatgccg caaccgatga cattttggac gcgtggggca aggcttatgg
      481 cgtgattgca gatgtgttta ttcaagtgga agcagatttg tacgctcaag cggttgaata
      541 aagtttcagg ccgctttcag gacataaaaa acgcaccata aggtggtctt tttacgtctg
      601 atatttacac agcagtttgg ctgttgccaa aacttgggac aaatattg