[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Human mRNA for immunoglobulin lambda chain VJ region subgroup

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       HUMFOGBL      390 bp ss-mRNA            PRI       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human mRNA for immunoglobulin lambda chain VJ region subgroup
            lambda-1 (cell line Fog-B)
KEYWORDS    immunoglobulin; immunoglobulin light chain; joining region;
            variable region.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens RNA.
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 390)
  AUTHORS   Hughes-Jones,N.C.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 390)
  AUTHORS   Hughes-Jones,N.C., Bye,J.M., Beale,D. and Coadwell,J.
  TITLE     Nucleotide sequences and three-dimensional modelling of the Vh and
            Vl domains of two human monoclonal antibodies specific for the D
            antigen of the human Rh-blood-group system.
  JOURNAL   Biochem. J. 268, 135-140 (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     *source: strain=blood donor FO; cell type=B lymphocytes; *source:
            cell line=Fog-B; **map: chromosome=22;
            From EMBL    entry HSFOGBL;  dated 07-JUL-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             1..>390
                     /note="precursor (AA -19 to 111)"
     CDS             1..57
                     /note="signal peptide (AA -19 to -1)"
     CDS             58..>390
                     /note="VJ region (AA 1-111)"
     CDS             58..351
                     /note="V region (AA 1-98)"
     CDS             352..>390
                     /note="J region (AA 99-111)"
BASE COUNT       82 a    128 c     96 g     84 t
        1 atgacctgct cccctctcct cctcaccctt ctcattcact gcacagggtc ctgggcccag
       61 tctgtgttga cgcagccgcc ctcagtgtct gcggccccag gacagaaggt caccatctcc
      121 tgctccggaa ccagctccaa cattgggaat aattatgtat cctggtatca gcagctccca
      181 ggaacagccc ccaaactcct catttatgac aataataagc gaccctcagg gattcctgac
      241 cgattctctg gctccaagtc tggcacgtca gccaccctgg gcatcaccgg actccggact
      301 ggggacgagg ccgattatta ctgcgcaaca tgggatagca gcctgagtgc tgtggtgttc
      361 ggcggaggga ccaagctgac cgtcctaagt