[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Human germline pseudogene for leader peptide and variable region of

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       HUMIGK4       911 bp ds-DNA             PRI       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human germline pseudogene for leader peptide and variable region of
            a kappa immunoglobulin (subgroup V kappa I)
ACCESSION   Z00002 X00746
KEYWORDS    germline; immunoglobulin; kappa-immunoglobulin; pseudogene;
            variable region.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens DNA.
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 911)
  AUTHORS   Jaenichen,H.R.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1984)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 909)
  AUTHORS   Jaenichen,H.R., Pech,M., Lindenmaier,W., Wildgruber,N. and
  TITLE     Composite human V kappa genes and a model of their evolution
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 12, 5249-5263 (1984)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     The sequence is designated V2 in refs. [1] and [2]; the start and
            stop positions of the leader peptide were defined according to
            sequence comparisons; several mutations render the leader gene
            segment inactive ; the variable region gene segment is inactivated
            by a stop codon at the amino acid position 71.
            From EMBL    entry HSIGK4;  dated 13-JUN-1985.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     unsure          82..82
                     /note="maybe A or C"
     misc_feature    91..105
                     /note="put. regulatory element pd"
     misc_feature    123..132
                     /note="put. regulatory element dc"
     promoter        165..171
     CDS             219..273
                     /note="first exon (leader peptide) (273 is 1st base in
     intron          274..397
                     /note="first intron"
     CDS             398..693
                     /note="second exon (rest of L and variable region) (398 is
                     2nd base in codon)"
     misc_feature    696..702
                     /note="heptanucleotide box"
BASE COUNT      215 a    247 c    223 g    225 t      1 others
        1 ctttcaaggt aaattggtgc tgccctggtc tgacctggga ctctagggga tactgcgtcc
       61 ctgtgctgag ttactgagat gngccagccc tgcagctgtg ctcagcctgc cccatcccct
      121 gctgatttgc ctgttcctag agcacagccc cctgccctga agacttttta taggctggtc
      181 acacccggtg caggagtcag ccccagtcag gacacagcac ggatgcaagg tcccccactc
      241 agctcctggg gctcctggtg ctctggttgc caggtaagga aggagaacac taggattata
      301 ctcggtcagt gtgctcagta ctgtctggaa cctcagggaa gtcctctgat aacatgatta
      361 attgcaagaa tatttgtttt tatgtttcca actgcaggtg ccagatgtga catccagatg
      421 acccagtctc catcctccct gtctgcatct gtaggagaca gagtcaccat cacttgccgg
      481 gcgagtcagg gcattagcaa taatttaaat tggtatcagc agaaaccagg gaaaactcct
      541 aagctcctga tctatgctgc atccagtctg caaagtggga ttccctctca gttcagtgac
      601 agtggatctg ggacagatta gactctcacc atcagcagcc tgcagcctga agattttaca
      661 acttattact gtcaacagag ttacagtacc cctcccacag tgttgcaagt cataacataa
      721 accccaagga agcagatgtg tgaggctggg ctgccccaat gctccttctg gtgcctctat
      781 ctgctgaggg aagttctcaa actcagtcag gcttggaaag tcattgggag attttcctag
      841 aggaggccag ggaggttcct ctgaacccta agcctctttc gccctcatcc ccagcagaca
      901 agatgtgaca a