[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Human germline pseudogene for the leader peptide and variable

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       HUMIGK13      978 bp ds-DNA             PRI       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human germline pseudogene for the leader peptide and variable
            region of a kappa immunoglobulin (subgroup V kappa II)
ACCESSION   Z00012 X00904
KEYWORDS    immunoglobulin; immunoglobulin light chain; kappa-immunoglobulin;
            pseudogene; signal peptide.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens DNA.
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Zachau,H.G.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1984)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 978)
  AUTHORS   Pech,M., Jaenichen,H.-R., Pohlenz,H.-D., Neumaier,P.S.,
            Klobeck,H.-G. and Zachau,H.G.
  TITLE     Organization and evolution of a gene cluster for human
            immunoglobulin variable regions of the kappa type
  JOURNAL   J. Mol. Biol. 176, 189-204 (1984)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     The sequence is designated Vc in ref. [1]; gaps are not included.
            From EMBL    entry HSIGK13;  dated 13-JUN-1985.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     intron          <1..199
                     /note="first intron"
     misc_feature    200..202
                     /note="stop codon (pseudogene)"
     CDS             200..510
                     /note="second exon (rest of L and variable region) (200 is
                     1st base in codon)"
     misc_feature    449..449
                     /note="frameshift mutation (pseudogene)"
     misc_feature    513..519
                     /note="heptanucleotide box, not canonical"
BASE COUNT      279 a    231 c    210 g    258 t
        1 gatctgtgag agtgaggaag attccagaag gagcaaggat atgtaaatat tggttctttt
       61 taaatctgta tgttttggga ggattaatca aaatcacaca cacaaaaata attgagcaaa
      121 acataaataa cagacagaaa atgattaaaa tgactcacaa tgtttgcaca taaccttgca
      181 cttctctctc attatttcat gatccaatgg agatgctgtg atgacccaac ctccactctc
      241 cctgcccatc acccctggag agccagcctc catctcctgc aggtctagtc acagccccct
      301 tcacagtaat ggatacatct atttcaactg gtacctacag aagacaggcc agcctccttg
      361 gctcccaatc tatttggttt ccaatcacga ccctggagtc ccagacaggt tcagtggcag
      421 tgggttgggg acagatttca tgctgaaatc aggaggatgg atgctgagga tgttggggtt
      481 tattgctgcc agcaaagtac acattatcct cccacaatgg tatagtcttg aacacaaacc
      541 cccccacttg ctgtggccta gctgcccaga tgtgctgttt ctgtggagag caggcactgt
      601 ggattctctt agatgcctaa agaccaagat gttggagaac tcagaggact tggtgcagct
      661 gagggctcat gaccataaat ttcttggcta cacctcaggc accacatttt aaggtcccgt
      721 cagctgcagc agcctttgca tgacagagtc tgcagtatgg aggaggtcca cgtgccctct
      781 gagcaatgag acacaagaga agagaaggct caatgagagc tcattctaat cctctcttcc
      841 ttccctatgt tcattcatca actaaattca ttctgcataa caggcaccta attgagactg
      901 attactggca acacaaaact aacacattct tttgatttgg tttagcagtt accagagtag
      961 atgtagattg ataagatc

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       HUMIGK5      1157 bp ds-DNA             PRI       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human germline pseudogene for the leader peptide and variable
            region of a kappa immunoglobulin (subgroup V kappa I)
ACCESSION   Z00003 X00747
KEYWORDS    germline; immunoglobulin; kappa-immunoglobulin; pseudogene;
            variable region.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens DNA.
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1157)
  AUTHORS   Jaenichen,H.R.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1984)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1157)
  AUTHORS   Jaenichen,H.R., Pech,M., Lindenmaier,W., Wildgruber,N. and
  TITLE     Composite human V kappa genes and a model of their evolution
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 12, 5249-5263 (1984)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     The sequence is designated V14 in refs. [1] and [2]; the start and
            stop positions of the leader peptide were defined according to
            sequence comparisons; several mutations render the leader gene
            segment inactive; the variable region gene segment is inactivated
            by a stop codon at the amino acid position 71.
            From EMBL    entry HSIGK5;  dated 13-JUN-1985.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_feature    2..16
                     /note="put. regulatory element pd"
     misc_feature    34..43
                     /note="put. regulatory element dc"
     promoter        77..82
     CDS             130..184
                     /note="first exon (leader peptide, inactive) (184 is 1st
                     base in codon)"
     intron          185..308
                     /note="first intron"
     CDS             309..604
                     /note="second exon (rest of L and variable region) (309 is
                     2nd base in codon)"
     misc_feature    607..613
                     /note="heptanucleotide box"
BASE COUNT      289 a    292 c    289 g    287 t
        1 ctgcagctgt gctcagcctg ccccatcccc tgctgatttg cctgttccta gagcacagcc
       61 ccctgccctg aagacttttt ataggctggt cacacccggt gcaggagtca gccccagtca
      121 ggacacagca cggatgcaag gtcccccact cagctcctgg ggctcctggt gctctggctg
      181 ccaggtaagg aaggagaaca ctaggattat actcggtcag tgtgctcagt actgtctgga
      241 acctcaggga agtcctctga taacatgatt aattgcaaga atatttgttt ttatgtttcc
      301 aactgcaggt gccagatgtg acatccagat gacccagtct ccatcctccc tgtctgcatc
      361 tgtaggaggc agagtcacca tcacttgccg ggcgagtcag ggcattagca ataatttaaa
      421 ttggtatcag cagaaaccag ggaaaactcc taagcccctg atctatgctg catccagtct
      481 gcaaagtggg attccctctc agttcagtga cagtggatct gggacagatt agactctcac
      541 catcagcagc ctgcagcctg aagattttgc aacttattac tgtcaacaga gttacagtac
      601 ccctcccaca gtgttgcaag tcataatata aaccccaagg aagcagatgt gtgaggctgg
      661 gctgccccaa tgctccttct ggtgcctcta tctgctgagg gaagttctca aactcagtca
      721 ggcttggaaa gtcattggga gattttccta gaggaggtca gggaggttcc tctgaaccct
      781 aagcctcttt cgccctcatc cccagcagac aagatgtgac aatgcctgtc ctgactgaat
      841 aaagaagaga gataagtcca gctgaggagt ctgtgttatg ggataatcgg aatttgtaca
      901 gcaaaagaga agctattctc agtatttcaa ggagaaatta ttcaagttga ataaattaga
      961 gtctaaacca cagtctttcc gaagcctatg gagtgttatt catgaagcag gtactagaca
     1021 caggggattc tcaggtgcta cttcagaagc cagggtgcac ctgcccctgg tggtatgtgc
     1081 tgaacaccat gtgatgatcc tcagtcctgt ctgggaagcc cagggctggg ggtgctgatg
     1141 ctctcagctg cctgcag

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       HUMIGK6      1247 bp ds-DNA             PRI       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human germline pseudogene for the leader peptide and variable
            region of a kappa immunoglobulin (subgroup V kappa I)
ACCESSION   Z00004 X00748
KEYWORDS    germline; immunoglobulin; kappa-immunoglobulin; pseudogene;
            variable region.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens DNA.
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1247)
  AUTHORS   Jaenichen,H.R.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1984)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1247)
  AUTHORS   Jaenichen,H.R., Pech,M., Lindenmaier,W., Wildgruber,N. and
  TITLE     Composite human V kappa genes and a model of their evolution
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 12, 5249-5263 (1984)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     The sequence is designated V52 in refs. [1] and [2]; the variable
            region gene segment is inactivated by a frameshift mutation
            (insertion of a G) at the position 886)
            From EMBL    entry HSIGK6;  dated 06-JUL-1989.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_feature    4..47
                     /note="simple sequence region"
     unsure          69..69
                     /note="A or G or T"
     unsure          77..77
                     /note="A or C or T"
     unsure          89..89
                     /note="A or C"
     unsure          211..211
                     /note="A or G or T"
     unsure          349..349
                     /note="A or T"
     misc_feature    416..425
                     /note="defective (due to a deletion) put. regulatory
                     element pd"
     misc_feature    427..436
                     /note="put. regulatory element dc"
     promoter        470..477
     CDS             525..579
                     /note="first exon (leader peptide) (579 is 1st base in
     intron          580..710
                     /note="first intron"
     CDS             711..1000
                     /note="second exon (rest of L and variable region) (711 is
                     2nd base in codon)"
     misc_feature    886..886
                     /note="frameshift mutation (insertion of a G)"
     misc_feature    1003..1009
                     /note="heptanucleotide box, not canonical"
BASE COUNT      335 a    299 c    270 g    338 t      5 others
        1 aaatctatct atctatctat ctatctatct atctatctat ctatctatca ttcatgatta
       61 taccttaang catccantgt tggtagcant gacaatttac agcactggtg tttccaggga
      121 attggaccaa aaaggaagtc tctctgacct taatagtact catctgtatc aaatgcagga
      181 aacttctaaa atttcttgag tttctagaga ngtttttccc tagcagacct tatcataaat
      241 agaaagctag caagagaagc atgtcatgaa acatgaagag agcaaaagaa cactccacac
      301 ataggacagt aggctgattc tttcctgtag cctgcaggga gaaacacang ctctgcagac
      361 tttggacacc tgggaggcac tgggcctgtg cagtgttatt gagataagtc atctttgcag
      421 ctgtgcagat ttgcatgtcc cacagagcaa cgcctactgc cctgaacatt tatcaatagg
      481 ctggtgacat cctgtgcaga agtctctctc agtccagaca cagcatggac atgagggccc
      541 ccgctcagct cctgggactc ctgctgctct ggctcccagg taaggaggga aacaacaaaa
      601 attttattca gccagtgtag ccattaatgc ctggcacttc aggaaattct tcttagaaca
      661 ttactaatca tgtggatatg tgtttttatg ttcctaatat cagataccag atgtgacatc
      721 cagatgaccc agtctccatc ctccctgtct gcatctgtag gagacagagt caccatcact
      781 tgccgggcga gtcagggcat tagcaattat ttagcctggt atcagcagaa accagggaaa
      841 gttcctaagc tcctgatcta tgctgcatcc gctttgcaat cagggggtcc catctcggtt
      901 cagtggcagt ggatctggga cagatttcac tctcaccatc agcagcctgc agcctgaaga
      961 tgttgcaact tattactgtc aaaagtataa cagtgcccct cccactgtga tacaagcccg
     1021 aacataaacc atggagggaa gtagatgtgt gagtctgggc tgccccagct gctcctcctg
     1081 gtgccgccgt ctgctgacag cagttctcag atgcagccaa ggtttgaagc tccctgggaa
     1141 gttttggtag aaggggtcag ggaggcacat ttacattcta tctctcttta tcctcagctc
     1201 catcagctga tatgcaagta tctctcctga ttattattaa taaagga

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       HUMIGK7       661 bp ds-DNA             PRI       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human germline pseudogene for the leader peptide and variable
            region of a kappa immunoglobulin (subgroup V kappa I)
ACCESSION   Z00005 X00749
KEYWORDS    germline; immunoglobulin; kappa-immunoglobulin; pseudogene;
            variable region.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens DNA.
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 661)
  AUTHORS   Jaenichen,H.R.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1984)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 661)
  AUTHORS   Jaenichen,H.R., Pech,M., Lindenmaier,W., Wildgruber,N. and
  TITLE     Composite human V kappa genes and a model of their evolution
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 12, 5249-5263 (1984)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     The sequence is designated V55 in refs. [1] and [2]; the variable
            region gene segment is inactivated by several frameshift mutations
            From EMBL    entry HSIGK7;  dated 13-JUN-1985.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             <1..27
                     /note="first exon (leader peptide) (1 is 2nd base in
                     codon) (27 is 1st base in codon)"
     intron          28..151
                     /note="first intron"
     misc_feature    28..29
                     /note="not canonical donor splice site"
     CDS             152..447
                     /note="second exon (rest of L and variable region) (152 is
                     2nd base in codon)"
     misc_feature    450..456
                     /note="heptanucleotide box"
BASE COUNT      162 a    167 c    152 g    180 t
        1 cgggacttct gccatcctgg tttccagtta agaaaagaaa ttactagcct cttactcagc
       61 cagtgtgcta ggtactgcct ggccattcag ggaagtcttc ttataacatg attaattgtg
      121 tggatatttg tttttctgtt tgcaatttca gggaccagaa gtgacatcca gtcacccagt
      181 ctccatccac actgtctgca tctgtaagga gacagcgtca ccatcacttg ccgggcgagt
      241 cagagcattg gtagtaattt agactggtat cagcagaaac cagggaaggc ccctaagggc
      301 ctgatctatg ctgcatccag tttgcaatct ggggctcctt cgcggttcgg tggcagtgga
      361 tctgggacag attttactct caccatcaga atcctgcagc ctaaagatgt tgcaagttat
      421 tactgtcaac agtataaaaa ttaccctatc acagtgttac aaaccataac aaaccccccc
      481 caggaaagca gacatgtgac gctgggctgc cccacctgct cttctttgtg cagccatctg
      541 gtgacaacac ttctcagact cagcctgagt tttgagggtt attgggagat tacggaagag
      601 ggggccatga aggtgtctct ccaccctaag tctctttcct ctcatggcaa tgtctcttcg
      661 a