[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Azospirillum brasilense glnB gene

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       AZSGLNB       975 bp ds-DNA             BCT       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Azospirillum brasilense glnB gene
KEYWORDS    glnB gene; protein PII.
SOURCE      Azospirillum brasilense DNA.
  ORGANISM  Azospirillum brasilense
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;
            Aerobic/microaerophilic, motile, helical/vibrioid bacteria.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 975)
  AUTHORS   de,Z.M.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 975)
  AUTHORS   de,Z.M., Delorme,F. and Elmerich,C.
  TITLE     Characterisation of three different nitrogen-regulated promoter
            regions for the expression of glnB and glnA in Azospirillum
  JOURNAL   Mol. Gen. Genet. 224, 421-430 (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     *source: strain=SP7; For nifH gene see <X51500>.
            From EMBL    entry ABGLNB;  dated 07-JAN-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     promoter        147..151
                     /note="Canonical E.coli type promoter of gluB-A"
     misc_feature    169..173
                     /note="Consensus sequence for strong NtrC binding site"
     promoter        176..180
                     /note="Canonical E.coli type promoter of gluB-A"
     misc_feature    179..185
                     /note="Consensus sequence for strong NtrC binding site"
     promoter        281..297
                     /note="NtrA-dependent promoter of gluB-A"
     RBS             358..362
                     /note="ribosome binding site for glnB"
     CDS             366..701
                     /note="glnB gene product (AA 1-112)"
     misc_feature    850..893
                     /note="AT-rich stretch upstream of glu A"
     promoter        859..875
                     /note="glnA promoter"
     RBS             970..974
                     /note="ribosome binding site for glnA"
BASE COUNT      205 a    315 c    300 g    155 t
        1 gagctctacc aactgagcta ccaccgccac cggggtcgcc tatttgcccc aagggacggg
       61 gcgggtcaag ctctattttc caccttgtcc atcaatgtga aaagccgggt ggaaagccgg
      121 cgctacccca tccgaacgga caaggctgcg cggattgctt gcagcatgtg cacaaatatt
      181 gttcacttcg ccctatccgt tggcagtcgc gtgccgccca cggtggcatc ggcccgctgc
      241 ggcccggcat cccacgcagc cggatcgcaa ccgctccgat tggcacgcaa cgtgctttac
      301 atcggaccgt cggcagaggc ctggacggtg cctgccgacg ttggcacctc gtacacgaga
      361 gacccatgaa gaagatcgaa gccatcatta agccgttcaa actcgacgaa gtgaaggaag
      421 cccttcacga agtcggcatc aagggcatca ccgtcaccga ggccaagggc ttcggccgtc
      481 agaaggggca caccgagctg taccgcggcg cggagtatgt ggtcgacttc ctgccgaagg
      541 tgaagatcga ggtggtgatg gaggactccc tggtggagcg ggcgatcgag gcgatccagc
      601 aggccgccca caccggccgc atcggcgacg gcaagatctt cgtcaccccc gtggaagaag
      661 ttgtccgcat ccggaccggc gagaagggag gcgacgcgat ctgatcgcgt cccgagaacc
      721 cgaccaccgg ccaccatgaa ccagccccgc ccacaaccga cgcagagccg gccgactccg
      781 atcgggccga cgcagaccgt cgcaacgcga gcggaacgat ccgtgcgtgg atgcccatcc
      841 gggcgcgact ttttgtgctg tcacgttgtg tgcttgggaa aggcatgaca taacgtccgc
      901 cgcgagcgcc gtcacccgcc ccttggtcgg tttgacgcag cgggacccaa acctcttaag
      961 cgtggaaaaa gagat