LOCUS BACRNAK 76 bp ss-mRNA BCT 27-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Bacillus subtilis transfer RNA specific for Lysine. ACCESSION V00103 KEYWORDS transfer RNA; transfer RNA-Lys. SOURCE Bacillus subtilis RNA. ORGANISM Bacillus subtilis Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci; Bacillaceae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 76) AUTHORS Vold,B.S., Keith,D.E., Buck,M., McCloskey,J.A. and Pang,H. TITLE Lysine tRNAs from Bacillus subtilis 168: structural analysis JOURNAL Nucleic Acids Res. 10, 3125-3132 (1982) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT Variant with different amount of modification exists. From EMBL entry BSRNAK; dated 06-JUL-1989. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers tRNA 1..76 /note="transfer RNA" modified_base 17..17 /mod_base=other /note="modified base D" modified_base 20..20 /mod_base=other /note="modified base D" variation 32..32 /note="unknown modified C" modified_base 37..37 /mod_base=other /note="modified base A6 und A9 (mixture)" modified_base 39..39 /mod_base=other /note="modified base F" modified_base 46..46 /mod_base=other /note="modified base G7" modified_base 54..54 /mod_base=other /note="modified base T" modified_base 55..55 /mod_base=other /note="modified base F" BASE COUNT 18 a 17 c 20 g 21 t ORIGIN 1 gagccattag ctcagttggt agagcatctg acttttaatc agagggtcga aggttcgagt 61 ccttcatggc tcacca //