[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Eschericia coli episome F106 livR gene for repressor protein of

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       ECOLIVR       501 bp ds-DNA             BCT       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Eschericia coli episome F106 livR gene for repressor protein of
            high-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport
KEYWORDS    amino acid transport; livR gene; repressor protein.
SOURCE      Escherichia coli DNA.
  ORGANISM  Escherichia coli
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;
            Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 501)
  AUTHORS   Antonucci,T.K., Wagner,L.M. and Oxender,D.L.
  TITLE     Cloning, expression, and nucleotide sequence of livR, the repressor
            for high-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport in
            Escherichia coli
  JOURNAL   Proteins 1, 125-133 (1986)
  STANDARD  full automatic
            *source: library=pBR322.
            From EMBL    entry ECLIVR;  dated 23-MAR-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             1..498
                     /note="LivR protein (AA 1-166)"
BASE COUNT      136 a    131 c    128 g    106 t
        1 atgggcgtgt tctctttggt ctggatctcc attgccggcg cgcaggtacg tccgcgatca
       61 ttgcgccgaa caacagcgcg cggttctttc gcaatacata agcacgaaca agaaacagat
      121 aaccacgcct gccataacac catcaagccg aactcttcac atgcttggtg cacctgcgaa
      181 tgtaaccgaa ggtcggtggt tagcacgcat aaagccagca taattccggc gaataacaac
      241 ccggcagcgt tccccatgcc gaaactgaat gtgctgaact ggaaggtgat catcccgatc
      301 atcagcccaa taacaaagaa ggcgcagaat gccagcaggt cagtgacctg gactgtgaat
      361 cgagataaag ccgatgcgat ccagtgtttt tacgcggcgg gcatcgtgga tcttgtaaaa
      421 ggtcactttg ttaagcacga cgttgtcatc tatcggcatc tcaatctggc tagaatgacg
      481 cggttaagga agcaaccgtg a