[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] E. coli pmbA gene involved in MccB17 production

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       ECOPMBA      1682 bp ds-DNA             BCT       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  E. coli pmbA gene involved in MccB17 production
KEYWORDS    antibiotic peptide; maturation protein; pmbA gene.
SOURCE      Escherichia coli DNA.
  ORGANISM  Escherichia coli
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;
            Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1682)
  AUTHORS   Moreno,F.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1682)
  AUTHORS   Rodriguez-Sainz,M.C., Hernandez-Chico,C. and Moreno,F.
  TITLE     Molecular characterization of pmbA, an Escherichia coli chromosomal
            gene required for the production of the antibiotic peptide MccB17
  JOURNAL   Mol. Microbiol. 4, 1921-1932 (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     *source: strain=K12; **map: map position=96 minute pmB A is
            proposed to facilitate the secretion of the antibiotic peptide
            MccB17 by completing its maturation.
            From EMBL    entry ECPMBA;  dated 15-JAN-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     mRNA            <192..>1682
                     /note="pmbA is involved in the production of antibiotic
     prim_transcript <192..>1682
                     /note="pmbA is involved in the production of antibiotic
     RBS             192..198
     mat_peptide     210..1559
                     /note="pmbA is involved in the production of antibiotic
     CDS             210..1562
                     /note="pmbA is involved in the production of antibiotic
BASE COUNT      414 a    416 c    473 g    379 t
        1 agctcctcgg catcacgttt aatttcactt ttactgaccc agataatttc atcgtcttcg
       61 tcttcgatgt catcaccggg aacgtcgtcg agccagtctt cgggctgctt agtcatctca
      121 ggctccttaa aaaaagaggc taatgttacc agttaagatg cgcactgaaa aacggttctc
      181 tgttagactt cagagaaact ctctacatta tggcacttgc aatgaaagta atctctcaag
      241 ttgaagcgca gcgcaagatt ctggaagaag cagtttccac tgcgctggag ttggcctcag
      301 gcaaatcgga cggtgcggaa gttgccgtca gcaagaccac cggcattagc gtaagcacgc
      361 gttatggtga agtggagaat gttgaattca atagcgatgg cgcgctgggg atcactgttt
      421 atcaccagaa ccgcaaaggt agcgcatcat ccaccgattt aagcccgcag gccattgccc
      481 gtactgtaca ggcggcgctg gatattgccc gttatacctc gccagatccc tgtgccggcg
      541 tggcagacaa agagctgctg gcctttgacg caccagatct cgacttgttc caccctgcgg
      601 aagtttcccc ggatgaagcc attgaactgg cggcccgcgc agaacaggcg gcattgcagg
      661 cggacaaacg catcaccaat accgaaggtg gcagctttaa cagccactac ggtgtcaaag
      721 tttttggcaa cagccacggc atgttgcagg gttactgctc aacgcgtcat tcgctctcca
      781 gctgtgtaat tgccgaagaa aatggcgata tggagcgtga ttacgcctac accattggtc
      841 gtgcgatgag cgatctgcaa acgccagagt gggttggggc cgactgtgct cgccgtactt
      901 tatcgcgtct gtcaccgcgt aaactctcca ccatgaaagc gccagtcatt tttgccaatg
      961 aagtggcaac cgggcttttt gggcatctgg tgggggcgat agcgggtgga tcggtttatc
     1021 gtaaatctac cttcctgctg gattcgctgg gtaaacaaat tctgccggac tggctgacca
     1081 ttgaagagca tccgcatctg ctgaaagggc tggcgtcgac gccattcgac agcgaaggtg
     1141 tgcgcaccga gcgtcgcgat attattaaag atggcatcct gactcagtgg ctgctgacca
     1201 gctactcggc gcggaaactg gggctgaaaa gcaccggaca tgcgggcggt attcacaact
     1261 ggcggattgc cggacaaggt ctaagcttcg agcagatgct caaagagatg ggcaccgggc
     1321 tggtggtgac ggaattgatg ggccagggcg tgagtgccat taccggtgat tattcccgtg
     1381 gtgcagcggg cttctgggta gagaatggcg aaattcagta tccggtgagc gaaatcacca
     1441 tcgcaggtaa tttaaaagat atgtggcgca atattgtcac cgtcggtaac gatattgaaa
     1501 cacgcagtaa tatacagtgt ggttctgtgc tgttgccgga gatgaaaatc gccggacagt
     1561 aaaaaaactg gcgcgacctg ccgcgctata aactaaaaaa ttacacaaaa tcattcgcac
     1621 tgcatcgaga cggaaagtga atgagggccg gggagcgtac tcgcagtacg tgacccggtc
     1681 ga