[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] E.coli tyr Ucluster and tufB gene 5'end

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       ECOTYRU       717 bp ds-DNA             BCT       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  E.coli tyr Ucluster and tufB gene 5'end
KEYWORDS    elongation factor; elongation factor tu; transfer RNA;
            transfer RNA-Gly; transfer RNA-Thr; transfer RNA-Tyr; tufB gene;
            tyrU gene.
SOURCE      Escherichia coli DNA.
  ORGANISM  Escherichia coli
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;
            Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 717)
  AUTHORS   Hudson,L., Rossi,J. and Landy,A.
  TITLE     Dual function transcripts specifying tRNA and mRNA
  JOURNAL   Nature 294, 422-427 (1981)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     See also X04176 for overlapping sequence (some differences)
            From EMBL    entry ECTYRU;  dated 19-SEP-1987.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     repeat_unit     53..66
                     /note="imp.inverted repeat A"
     misc_feature    54..78
                     /note="A+T rich region"
     repeat_unit     71..83
                     /note="imp.inverted repeat A'"
     promoter        81..86
                     /note="-35 sequence (tyrU)"
     repeat_unit     90..100
                     /note="imp.inverted repeat B"
     promoter        104..110
                     /note="-10 region box (tyrU)"
     repeat_unit     105..114
                     /note="imp.inverted repeat B'"
     tRNA            117..>116
                     /note="tRNA-Thr(4) - tRNA-Tyr(2) dimer (about 200 bases)"
     misc_feature    117..117
                     /note="transcription start site (tyrU cluster)"
     tRNA            124..199
                     /note="tRNA-Thr (4)"
     repeat_unit     189..205
                     /note="imp.inverted repeat C'"
     tRNA            208..292
                     /note="tRNA-Tyr (2)"
     repeat_unit     295..305
                     /note="imp.inverted repeat D"
     repeat_unit     310..320
                     /note="imp.inverted repeat D'"
     tRNA            398..567
                     /note="tRNA-Gly(2)-tRNA-Thr(3) dimer"
     tRNA            408..482
     tRNA            489..564
     misc_feature    606..615
                     /note="sequence pot.involved in processing"
     misc_signal     607..612
                     /note="pot.termination sequence"
     repeat_unit     611..627
                     /note="imp.inverted repeat E"
     repeat_unit     612..620
                     /note="imp.inverted repeat F"
     repeat_unit     624..632
                     /note="imp.inverted repeat F'"
     repeat_unit     638..654
                     /note="imp.inverted repeat E'"
     promoter        640..646
                     /note="pot.promotor (tuf B)"
     RBS             667..672
                     /note="pot.ribosome binding site"
     CDS             688..717
                     /note="elongation factor Tu (Ef-Tu) (tuf B gene) (AA
BASE COUNT      170 a    179 c    172 g    196 t
        1 ctaatctgcc ctccgttcgg ctgtttcttc atcgtgtcgc ataaaatgtg accaataaaa
       61 caaattatgc aattttttag ttgcatgaac tcgcatgtct ccatagaatg cgcgctactt
      121 gatgccgact tagctcagta ggtagagcaa ctgacttgta atcagtaggt caccagttcg
      181 attccggtag tcggcaccat caagtccggt ggggttcccg agcggccaaa gggagcagac
      241 tgtaaatctg ccgtcacaga cttcgaaggt tcgaatcctt cccccaccac caatttcggc
      301 cacgcgatgg cgtagccgag acgataagtt cgcttaccgg ctcgaataaa gagagcttct
      361 ctcgatattc agtgcagaat gaaaatcagg tagccgagtt ccaggatgcg ggcatcgtat
      421 aatggctatt acctcagcct tccaagctga tgatgcgggt tcgattcccg ctgcccgctc
      481 caagatgtgc tgatatagct cagttggtag agcgcaccct tggtaagggt gaggtcggca
      541 gttcgaatct gcctatcagc accacttctt ttctcctccc tgttttttcc ttctgtttat
      601 tgcattcaac aagtcgggca tgttgcctgg ttgatgtggt gatgtcaccg atttatccgt
      661 gtcttagagg gacaatcgat gtctaaagaa aagtttgaac gtacaaaacc gcacgtt