[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] E. coli left end of transposon TN7 inserted into glmS terminator

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/18/91)

LOCUS       ECOTN7GLM     574 bp ds-DNA             BCT       18-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  E. coli left end of transposon Tn7 inserted into glmS terminator
ACCESSION   X03474 M24254
KEYWORDS    glmS gene; glutamine amidotransferase; terminator; transferase;
            transposon; unidentified reading frame.
SOURCE      Escherichia coli DNA.
  ORGANISM  Escherichia coli
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;
            Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 574)
  AUTHORS   Gay,N.J., Tybulewicz,V.L. and Walker,J.E.
  TITLE     Insertion of transposon Tn7 into the Escherichia coli glmS
            transcriptional terminator
  JOURNAL   Biochem. J. 234, 111-117 (1986)
  STANDARD  full automatic
            *source: strain=GD92::Tn7. see also V00620 Transposition of Tn7
            into E. coli glmS transcriptional terminator abolishes
            transcription termination at this site; the transcript now extends
            into the left end of Tn7 and terminates at a new site "tm", 127
            base pairs from the left end of Tn7. This region of the transposon
            contains a long open reading frame which encodes a protein sequence
            that is significantly related to the transposase proteins of the
            transposable elements IS1 and Tn3.
            From EMBL    entry ECTN7GLM;  dated 21-FEB-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             <1..9
                     /product="glutamine amidotransferase"
     misc_feature    17..37
                     /note="transcription terminator fragment (glmS)"
     repeat_unit     17..28
                     /note="imp. inverted repeat A"
     repeat_unit     33..37
                     /note="interrupted imp. inverted repeat A'"
     transposon      38..>574
                     /note="inserted Tn7"
     promoter        117..123
                     /note="put. -35 region (Tn7)"
     promoter        140..145
                     /note="put. -10 region (Tn7)"
     misc_feature    148..148
                     /note="put. transcription initiation site (Tn7)"
     misc_signal     164..164
                     /note="put. new transcription termination site, tm site
     CDS             172..>574
                     /note="Tn7 URF1"
BASE COUNT      165 a    105 c    133 g    171 t
        1 acggttgagt aataaatgga tgccctgcgt aagcgggtgt gggcggacaa taaagtctta
       61 aactgaacaa aatagatcta aactatgaca ataaagtctt aaactagaca gaatagttgt
      121 aaactgaaat cagtccagtt atgctgtgaa aaagcatact ggacttttgt tatggctaaa
      181 gcaaactctt cattttctga agtgcaaatt gcccgtcgta ttaaagaggg gcgtggccaa
      241 gggcatggta aagactatat tccatggcta acagtacaag aagttccttc ttcaggtcgt
      301 tcccaccgta tttattctca taagacggga cgagtccatc atttgctatc tgacttagag
      361 cttgctgttt ttctcagtct tgagtgggag agcagcgtgc tagatatacg cgagcagttc
      421 cccttattac ctagtgatac caggcagatt gcaatagata gtggtattaa gcatcctgtt
      481 attcgtggtg tagatcaggt tatgtctact gattttttag tggactgcaa agatggtcct
      541 tttgagcagt ttgctattca agtcaaacct gcag

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       ECOTN7X       925 bp ds-DNA             BCT       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  E. coli left end of transposon TN7 inserted into glmS terminator
KEYWORDS    glmS gene; glutamine amido transferase; transposon;
            unidentified reading frame.
SOURCE      Escherichia coli DNA.
  ORGANISM  Escherichia coli
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;
            Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 925)
  AUTHORS   Lichtenstein,C. and Brenner,S.
  TITLE     Unique insertion site of Tn7 in the E. coli chromosome
  JOURNAL   Nature 297, 601-603 (1982)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 353 to 925)
  AUTHORS   Gay,N.J., Tybulewicz,V.L. and Walker,J.E.
  TITLE     Insertion of transposon Tn7 into the Escherichia coli glmS
            transcriptional terminator
  JOURNAL   Biochem. J. 234, 111-117 (1986)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL    entry ISTN7X;  dated 06-JUL-1989.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             362..364
                     /note="glmS translational stop codon"
     misc_signal     369..389
                     /note="transcription terminator fragment"
     transposon      390..>925
                     /note="Tn7 left end"
     promoter        469..475
                     /note="put. -35 region (Tn7)"
     promoter        492..497
                     /note="put. -10 region (Tn7)"
     misc_feature    500..500
                     /note="put. transcription start site (Tn7)"
     misc_signal     516..516
                     /note="put. new transcription termination site, tm site
     CDS             524..>925
                     /note="Tn7 URF1 (aa 1-134) (925 is 1st base in codon)"
BASE COUNT      248 a    194 c    227 g    256 t
        1 gatctcttac attcacgctg aagcctacgc tgctggcgaa ctgaaacacg gtccgctggc
       61 gctaattgat gccgatatgc cggttattgt tgttgcaccg aacaacgaat tgctggaaaa
      121 actgaaatcc aacattgaag aagttcgcgc gcgtggcggt cagttgtatg tcttcgccga
      181 tcaggatgcg ggttttgtaa gtagcgataa catgcacatc atcgagatgc cgcatgtgga
      241 agaggtgatt gcaccgatct tctacaccgt tccgctgcag ctgctggctt accatgtcgc
      301 gctgatcaaa ggcaccgacg ttgaccagcc gcgtaacctg gcaaaatcgg ttacggttga
      361 gtaataaatg gatgccctgc gtaagcgggt gtgggcggac aataaagtct taaactgaac
      421 aaaatagatc taaactatga caataaagtc ttaaactaga cagaatagtt gtaaactgaa
      481 atcagtccag ttatgctgtg aaaaagcata ctggactttt gttatggcta aagcaaactc
      541 ttcattttct gaagtgcaaa ttgcccgtcg tattaaagag gggcgtggcc aagggcatgg
      601 taaagactat attccatggc taacagtaca gaagttcctt cttcaggtcg ttcccaccgt
      661 atttattctc ataagacggg acgagtccat catttgctat ctgacttaga gcttgctgtt
      721 tttctcagtc ttgagtggga gagcagcgtg ctagatatac gcgagcagtt ccccttatta
      781 cctagtgata ccaggcagat tgcaatagat agtggtatta agcatcctgt tattcgtggt
      841 gtagatcagg ttatgtctac tgatttttta gtggactgca aagatggtcc ttttgagcag
      901 tttgctattc aagtcaaacc tgcag