LOCUS KPNNIFG 629 bp ds-DNA BCT 27-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Klebsiella pneumoniae nifF gene for flavodoxin ACCESSION X03214 KEYWORDS flavodoxin; nitrogen fixation. SOURCE Klebsiella pneumoniae DNA. ORGANISM Klebsiella pneumoniae Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria; Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 629) AUTHORS Drummond,M.H. TITLE The base sequence of the nifF gene of Klebsiella pneumoniae and homology of the predicted amino acid sequence of its protein product to other flavodoxins JOURNAL Biochem. J. 232, 891-896 (1985) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT SWISS-PROT; P04668; FLAV$KLEPN. Data kindly reviewed (06-MAR-1986) by M.H. Drummond From EMBL entry KPNIFF; dated 06-JUL-1989. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers promoter 21..24 /note="promoter sequence" promoter 33..37 /note="promoter sequence" misc_feature 47..47 /note="transcription start point" RBS 80..84 /note="rRNA binding site" CDS 91..618 /note="flavodoxin (nif) (aa 1-176)" /codon_start=91 BASE COUNT 136 a 180 c 198 g 115 t ORIGIN 1 ccgcggtagt gcaaagcaac ctggcacagc cttcgcaata cccctgcgag aacgcgtatt 61 ttcaaccccc ttttccgaca ggagcgcaac atggcgaaca ttggtatttt ctttggcacc 121 gataccggta aaacccgcaa aatcgcgaaa atgatccata agcaactggg cgagctggcg 181 gatgccccgg tcaacattaa ccgcacgacg ctggacgact ttatggccta tccggtgctg 241 ctgctgggca cgccgacgct cggcgacggc cagctgccgg ggctggaggc cggatgcgaa 301 agcgagtcat ggagcgaatt tatcagcggc ctcgacgacg ccagcctgaa agggaaaacc 361 gtggcgctgt tcggcctcgg cgatcagaga ggctatccgg acaacttcgt cagcgggatg 421 cgcccgctgt tcgacgccct gagcgcgcgc ggcgcgcaga tgattggcag ctggccaaat 481 gagggttatg aattcagcgc gtcctcggcg ctggaaggcg accgctttgt tgggctggtg 541 ctggatcagg ataaccagtt cgaccagacc gaagcgcgtc tggcgagctg gcttgaggag 601 attaaacgca ccgtgctgta ggcgttaac //