[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Klebsiella pneumoniae open reading frame upstream of nifH

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       KPNNIFH02     551 bp ds-DNA             BCT       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Klebsiella pneumoniae open reading frame upstream of nifH
KEYWORDS    inverted repeat; unidentified reading frame.
SOURCE      Klebsiella pneumoniae DNA.
  ORGANISM  Klebsiella pneumoniae
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;
            Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 551)
  AUTHORS   Shen,S.C., Xue,Z.T., Kong,Q.T. and Wu,Q.L.
  TITLE     An open reading frame upstream from the nifH gene of Klebsiella
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 11, 4241-4250 (1983)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL    entry KPNIFH02;  dated 07-NOV-1985.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     promoter        74..78
                     /note="poss. promoter sequence"
     RBS             107..110
     CDS             118..498
     misc_feature    509..521
                     /note="pot. stem-loop structure"
     repeat_unit     509..514
                     /note="inverted repeat"
     repeat_unit     515..521
                     /note="inverted repeat"
BASE COUNT      113 a    160 c    173 g    105 t
        1 aattcgcgct aactcttctg tcatccgcga gctggcacag gctgtgcttg aggcaacaac
       61 tgggtttgcc gcttatttga ggcggcgaag atgcctctca ccttcgagga ttgaacaatg
      121 tccggaaaaa tgaaaacaat ggatggcaac gccgcggcgg cctggatctc ttatgccttt
      181 accgaggtcg cggcgattta ccccataacc ccctccacgc cgatggcgga aaacgtcgac
      241 gagtgggcgg cgcaggggaa aaagaacctt tttggccagc cggtgcgctt aatggagatg
      301 cagtcggagg ccggcgcggc aggcgcggtc cacggcgcgc tgcaggccgg ggcgctcacc
      361 accacctata cggcctccca ggggctgctg ctgatgatcc ccaacatgta caaaatcgcc
      421 ggtgaactgc tgccgggcgt ctttcacgtc agcgcccggg cgctggcgac caattcgctg
      481 aatatttttg gcgatcacta ggatgtgatg gcggtccgcc agagcggctg cgcgatgctg
      541 gcggagaaca a