[net.space] Causality and FTL:

miles (08/06/82)

	Lets try the mathematical approach. According to Einstein, re General
	Relativity, E=mc^2, as many know. In itself, this is a very simple
	equation. c^2 is a constant of 9.00e20 cm/s^2, while the energy
	function is in direct proportion to the mass. The bigger the mass,
	the greater the energy. (E == ergs , m == g , c == cm/s^2 ).
	No matter what the starting mass is, as its speed increases its
	"mass increases". The increase or dilatation is given by,
	m'=m/(1-v^2/c^2)^.5 . As you can see, if v=c, the function of the
	two = 1, therefore you get m'=m/0= infinite mass. If you plug this
	infinite mass back into the equa. E=mc^2, you get an infinite amount
	of energy. But this energy is all the energy in the universe, so if
	one dare to travel at the speed of light, or even close to it, (or
	just a bit faster, not really because then m'=(-n)^.5 which is undefined	to date), then all the energy in the universe would be used up, and
	the universe would "blink" out of existance. This is the primary basis
	by which physisists base the "fact" that FTL travel is impossible, 
	and that anything close to FTL, well the energy requirements are much to
	great to be created artificialy. Of course a complete explanation is not 	as simple, but i hope this is more appropriate.

	(note: the explanation given above is the accepted standard to date,

		Raymond S.