[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Mouse DNA of rearranged JH region containing recombined VH-D-JH3

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       MUSIGJH3A     213 bp ds-DNA             ROD       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Mouse DNA of rearranged JH region containing recombined VH-D-JH3
            region (clone C5)
KEYWORDS    immunoglobulin; immunoglobulin heavy chain;
            unidentified reading frame.
SOURCE      Mus musculus DNA.
  ORGANISM  Mus musculus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 213)
  AUTHORS   Yaoita,Y., Matsunami,N., Choi,C.Y., Sugiyama,H., Kishimoto,T. and
  TITLE     The D-JH complex is an intermediate to the complete immunoglobulin
            heavy-chain V-region gene
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 11, 7303-7316 (1983)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 213)
  AUTHORS   Honjo,T.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1985)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     Data kindly reviewed (27-AUG-1985)
            From EMBL    entry MMIGJH3A;  dated 06-JUL-1989.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_feature    1..213
                     /note="recombined VH-D-JH3 region (clone C5)"
     misc_feature    1..163
     CDS             3..212
                     /note="open reading frame (aa 46-115)"
     old_sequence    52..52
                     /note="T was absent in [1]"
     old_sequence    54..54
                     /note="C was inserted in [1]"
     misc_feature    164..170
                     /note="D FL 16.1 segment"
     misc_feature    174..213
                     /note="JH3 segment"
BASE COUNT       56 a     53 c     54 g     50 t
        1 tggagttggt cgcagccatt aatagtgatg gtggtagcac cactatccag accaccatgg
       61 agagacgatt catcatctcc agagacaata ccaagaagac cctgtacctg caaatgagca
      121 gtctgaggtc tgaggacaca gccttgtatt actgtgcaag acaactacgg ctctttgctt
      181 actggggcca agggactctg gtcactgtct ctg