[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Murine mRNA for anti-morphine monoclonal antibody 12D4 light chain

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       MUSIGL002     339 bp ss-mRNA            ROD       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Murine mRNA for anti-morphine monoclonal antibody 12D4 light chain
            variable region
KEYWORDS    immunoglobulin; immunoglobulin light chain; variable region.
SOURCE      Mus musculus RNA.
  ORGANISM  Mus musculus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 339)
  AUTHORS   Miller,I.A. and Glasel,J.A.
  TITLE     Comparative sequence and immunochemical analyses of murine
            monoclonal anti-morphine antibodies
  JOURNAL   J. Mol. Biol. 209, 763-778 (1989)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL    entry MMIGL002;  dated 31-DEC-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     mat_peptide     <1..>339
                     /note="variable region"
                     /product="immunoglobulin 12D4 light chain"
     mRNA            <1..>339
     CDS             <1..>339
                     /note="variable region"
                     /product="immunoglobulin 12D4 light chain"
BASE COUNT       89 a     90 c     79 g     81 t
        1 gctgttgtga ctcaggaatc tatactgacc acatcacctg gtgaaacagt cacactcact
       61 tgtcgctcaa gtactggggc tgttacaact agtaactatg ccaactgggt ccaagaaaaa
      121 ccagatcatt tattcactgg tctaataggt ggtaccaaca accgagctcc aggtgttcct
      181 gccagattct caggctccct gattggagac aaggctgccc tcaccatcac aggggcacag
      241 actgaggatg aggcaatata tttctgtgct ctatggtaca gcaaccattt ggtgttcggt
      301 ggaggcacca aactgactgt cctacggcca gcccaagtc