LOCUS MUSIGM2 280 bp ds-DNA ROD 27-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Mouse germ line gene fragment for mu-immunoglobulin C-terminus (secreted form). ACCESSION V00817 KEYWORDS germline; immunoglobulin; mu-immunoglobulin. SOURCE Mus musculus DNA. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 280) AUTHORS Early,P., Rogers,J., Davis,M., Calame,K., Bond,M., Wall,R. and Hood,L. TITLE Two mRNAs can be produced from a single immunoglobulin mu gene by alternative RNA processing pathways JOURNAL Cell 20, 313-319 (1980) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT From EMBL entry MMIGM2; dated 06-JUL-1989. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers mRNA <1..210 /note="mRNA" CDS <1..81 /note="reading frame" /codon_start=1 BASE COUNT 76 a 69 c 59 g 76 t ORIGIN 1 aggaccgtgg acaagtccac tggtaaaccc acactgtaca atgtctccct gatcatgtct 61 gacacaggcg gcacctgcta ttgaccatgc tagcgctcaa ccaggcaggc cctgggtgtc 121 tagttgctct gtgtatgcaa actaaccatg tcagagtgag atgttgcatt ttataaaaat 181 tagaaataaa aaaaatccat tcaaacgtca ctggttttga ttatacaatg ctcatgcctg 241 ctgagacagt tgtgttttgc ttgctctgca cacaccctgc //