LOCUS MUSIGHVBR 282 bp ds-DNA ROD 18-APR-1991 DEFINITION Mouse (strain BALB.B) Ig germline H-chain V-region gene, partial cds. ACCESSION M61217 KEYWORDS germline; immunoglobulin heavy chain; variable region. SOURCE Mouse, DNA. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 282) AUTHORS Press,J.L., Giorgetti,C.A. and Busby,W.F.III. TITLE A new germline VH36-60 Gene is used in the Neonatal primary and adult memory response to (T,G)-A--L JOURNAL Mol. Immunol. (1991) In press STANDARD simple staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..282 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain V region" /gene="VH3A1" /codon_start=1 /partial BASE COUNT 82 a 78 c 58 g 64 t ORIGIN 1 gatgtgcagc ttcaggagtc aggacctggt ctggtgaaac cttctcagac agtgtccctc 61 acctgcactg tcactggcat ctccatcacc actggaaatt acagatggag ctggatccgg 121 cagtttccag gaaacaaact ggagtggata gggtacatat actacagtgg taccattacc 181 tacaatccat ctctcacaag tcgaaccacc atcactagag acacttccaa gaaccaattc 241 ttcctggaaa tgaactcttt gactgctgaa gacacagcca ca // (04/18/91)
LOCUS MUSIGHAHE 351 bp ss-mRNA ROD 18-APR-1991 DEFINITION Mouse (strain BALB.B) Ig active H chain mRNA, V-D-J region. ACCESSION M61218 KEYWORDS diversity region; immunoglobulin heavy chain; joining region; variable region. SOURCE Mouse, cDNA to mRNA. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 351) AUTHORS Press,J.L., Giorgetti,C.A. and Busby,W.F.III. TITLE A new germline VH36-60 Gene is used in the Neonatal primary and adult memory response to (T,G)-A--L JOURNAL Mol. Immunol. (1991) In press STANDARD simple staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..351 /gene="C72-3A1" /codon_start=1 /partial BASE COUNT 99 a 97 c 73 g 82 t ORIGIN 1 gatgtgcagc ttcaggagtc aggacctggt ctggtgaaac cttctcagac agtgtccctc 61 acctgcactg tcactggcat ctccatcacc actggaaatt acagatggag ctggatccgg 121 cagtttccag gaaacaaact ggagtggata gggtacatat actacagtgg taccattacc 181 tacaatccat ctctcacaag tcgaaccacc atcactagag acacttccaa gaaccaattc 241 ttcctggaaa tgaactcttt gactgctgaa gacacagcca catactactg tgcacgagat 301 tactatgcta tggactactg gggtcaagga acctcagtca ccgtctcctc a // (04/19/91)
LOCUS MUSIGHAM1 540 bp ds-DNA ROD 19-APR-1991 DEFINITION Mouse (BMA 031) Ig active H-chain gene V-region, complete cds. ACCESSION M63668 KEYWORDS immunoglobulin heavy chain; joining region; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse, DNA. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 540) AUTHORS Shearman,C.W., Kanzy,E.J., Lawrie,D.K., Li,Y.-W., Thammana,P., Moore,G.P. and Kurrle,R. TITLE Construction, expression, and biologic activity of murine/human chimeric antibodies with specificity for the human alpha/beta T cell receptor JOURNAL J. Immunol. 146, 928-935 (1991) STANDARD simple staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers exon <7..50 /product="Ig heavy chain VJ region" CDS join(7..50,139..512) /product="Ig heavy chain VJ region" /codon_start=7 /partial exon 139..512 /product="Ig heavy chain VJ region" BASE COUNT 137 a 125 c 138 g 140 t ORIGIN 1 ctaaccatgg aatggagttg gatatttctc tttctcctgt caggaactgc aggtaagggg 61 ctcaccagtt cagtcaaatc tgaagtggag acacaggacc tgaggtgaca atgacatcta 121 ctctgacatt ctctcctcag gtgtccactc tgaggtccag ctgcagcagt ctggacctga 181 gctggtaaag cctggggctt cagtgaagat gtcctgcaag gcttctggat ataaattcac 241 tagctatgtt atgcactggg tgaagcagaa gcctgggcag ggccttgagt ggattggata 301 tattaatcct tacaatgatg ttactaagta caatgagaag ttcaaaggca aggccacact 361 gacttcagac aaatcctcca gtacagccta catggagctc agcagcctga cctctgagga 421 ctctgcggtc cattactgtg caagagggag ctactatgat tacgacgggt ttgtttactg 481 gggccaaggg actctggtca ctgtctctgc aggtgagtcc taacttctcc cattctaaat // (04/19/91)
LOCUS MUSIGULVJ 600 bp ds-DNA ROD 19-APR-1991 DEFINITION Mouse (BMA 031) Ig active H-light gene V-region, complete cds. ACCESSION M63673 KEYWORDS immunoglobulin light chain; joining region; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse, DNA. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 600) AUTHORS Shearman,C.W., Kanzy,E.J., Lawrie,D.K., Li,Y.-W., Thammana,P., Moore,G.P. and Kurrle,R. TITLE Construction, expression, and biologic activity of murine/human chimeric antibodies with specificity for the human alpha/beta T cell receptor JOURNAL J. Immunol. 146, 928-935 (1991) STANDARD simple staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers exon <4..51 /product="Ig light chain V-J region" CDS join(4..51,224..559) /product="Ig light chain V-J region" /codon_start=4 /partial exon 224..559 /product="Ig light chain V-J region" BASE COUNT 153 a 139 c 122 g 186 t ORIGIN 1 aaaatggatt ttcaagtgca gattttcagc ttcctgctaa tcagtgcctc aggtaacaga 61 gggcagggaa tttgagatca gaatacaacc aaaattattt tccctgggga atttgtgtcc 121 aaaatacagt tttttctttt tcttttatct aaatgttggg tggtataaaa ttatttttta 181 tctctatttc tactaatccc tctctctttt ttgctttttt ctagtcataa tatccagagg 241 acaaattgtt ctcacccagt ctccagcaat catgtctgca tctccagggg agaaggtcac 301 catgacctgc agtgccacct caagtgtaag ttacatgcac tggtaccagc agaagtcagg 361 cacctccccc aaaagatgga tttatgacac atccaaactg gcttctggag tccctgctcg 421 cttcagtggc agtgggtctg ggacctctta ctctctcaca atcagcagca tggaggctga 481 agatgctgcc acttattact gccagcagtg gagtagtaac ccgctcacgt tcggtgctgg 541 gaccaagctg gagctgaaac gtaagtacac ttttctcatc tttttttatg tgtaagacac // (05/10/91)
LOCUS MUSENDOA2 239 bp ds-DNA ROD 10-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Mouse (M. musculus) endo (cytokeratin) A, third intron of alpha 1, B2 repetitive element, partial sequence. ACCESSION K02784 KEYWORDS B2 repetitive sequence; repetitive sequence. SEGMENT 2 of 2 SOURCE Mouse (BALB/c) DNA, clone alpha-1. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 239) AUTHORS Vasseur,M., Duprey,P., Brulet,P. and Jacob,F. TITLE One gene and one pseudogene for the cytokeratin endo A JOURNAL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82, 1155-1159 (1985) STANDARD full staff_review FEATURES Location/Qualifiers intron <1..>239 /note="cytokeratin A intron C" repeat_region 21..180 /note="B2 repeat" BASE COUNT 83 a 48 c 57 g 51 t ORIGIN 220 bp downstream of EcoRI site. 1 agagataaag aaacatggct gaggctggtg agatggctca gtggtaagag cacccgactg 61 ctcttccgaa ggtccagagt tcgaatccca gcaccacatg gtggctcacg accatctgtg 121 atgagatctg acttcctctt ctggtgtctg aggacagcta cagtgtacat catataaaat 181 agataaatct ttaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aagaaacatg gctggaaatg gctcagcag // (05/10/91)
LOCUS MUSPLPA5JI 174 bp ds-DNA ROD 10-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Mouse (Jimpy mice) myelin proteolipid protein exon 5 and flanks. ACCESSION X06375 KEYWORDS myelin proteolipid protein; proteolipid protein. SOURCE Mus musculus DNA. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 174) AUTHORS Macklin,W.B., Gardinier,M.V., King,K.D. and Kampf,K. TITLE An AG to a GG transition at a splice site in the myelin proteolipid protein gene in jimpy mice results in the removal of an exon JOURNAL FEBS Lett. 223, 417-421 (1987) STANDARD simple automatic REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 174) AUTHORS Macklin,W.B. JOURNAL Unpublished (1988) see COMMENT for author address STANDARD simple automatic COMMENT [FEBS Lett. 223, 417-421 (1987)] no enum.. [Unpublished (1988) see COMMENT for author address] enum. 1 to 174. *source: strain=jimpy mice; library=genomic; clone=KKjp7 and KKjp9; The transition at position 49 causes the loss of exon 5 from myelin proteolipid protein mRNA of jimpy mice. Data kindly reviewed (21-JUN-1988) by Macklin W.B. EMBL features not translated to GenBank features: key from to description IVS <1 50 intron IV MUTANT 49 49 G is A in wildtype mice MSG 51 125 exon 5 IVS 126 >174 intron V REVISION 50 52 ggt was gt in [FEBS Lett. 223, 417-421 (1987)] Submitted (21-JUN-1988) to the EMBL data library. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <51..>125 /partial /note="myelin proteolipid protein (AA at 51)" BASE COUNT 41 a 35 c 41 g 57 t ORIGIN 1 catgcctcta gccttatgaa gtttactctg gctgctttta tgtatcttgg gtgttctccc 61 atggaatgct ttccctggca aggtttgtgg ctccaacctt ctgtccatct gcaaaacagc 121 tgaggtaagt gaatgagaag agtgcttttt aaaaaataga ttggctagac atgg // (05/27/91)
LOCUS MUSIG10VH 970 bp ds-DNA ROD 27-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Mouse (GAT-specific) subgroup II germline Ig V(H)10 gene related to anti-GAT Ab1 sequences ACCESSION X03571 KEYWORDS germline; immunoglobulin; immunoglobulin heavy chain; immunoglobulin heavy chain subgroup VH-II; signal peptide; variable region. SOURCE Mus musculus DNA. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 970) AUTHORS Schiff,C., Milili,M., Hue,I., Rudikoff,S. and Fougereau,M. TITLE Genetic basis for expression of the idiotypic network: One unique Ig VH germline gene accounts for the major family of Ab1 and Ab3 (Ab1') antibodies of the GAT system JOURNAL J. Exp. Med. 163, 573-587 (1986) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT EPD; 11151; Mm Ig VH10. The V(H)10 germline sequence is identical to the anti-GAT (Ab1) V(H) cDNA sequence of G8 Ca 1.7 <MMIGVK1>/<X00894>. See also <X03572> and <X03573>. From EMBL entry MMIG10VH; dated 10-JAN-1991. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers sig_peptide join(445..490,570..580) mRNA <491..490 /note="exon 1" misc_signal 342..351 /note="conserved element; pot. cell type specific transcription control" promoter 367..374 /note="pot. TATA-box" intron 491..569 /note="intron I" mRNA 570..874 /note="exon 2" CDS 581..874 /product="H10 coding region" /codon_start=581 misc_feature 875..881 /note="7 bp recombination signal" misc_feature 905..913 /note="9 bp recombination signal" BASE COUNT 272 a 211 c 217 g 270 t ORIGIN 1 ggccattatt atttaaatat atatgagaga agattgctaa ctctcataaa tgtattggtt 61 ttttttttaa atttccagta agcgttatcc tcattgctac taccaccaat caattttttc 121 actaagacaa gtgagtgtct caggttagga ttctatttta agattgagat attaggcttg 181 atactacatc taaatggtct gtacatgtct cgaagaaagt tcttcagaca gagttaggac 241 ttggatccca ggagttagga cttggactga ctcaggagga ctctagtttc ttcttctcca 301 gctggaatgt ccttatgtaa gaaaagcctt gcctcatgag tatgcaaatc atgtgcgact 361 gtgatgatta atatagggat atccacacca aacatcatat gagccctatc ttctctacag 421 acactgaatc tcaaggtcct tacaatgaaa tgcagctggg ttatcttctt cctgatggca 481 gtggttacag gtaaggggct cccaagtccc aaacttgagg gtccataaac tctgtgacag 541 tggcaatcac tttgcctttc tttctacagg ggtcaattca gaggttcagc tgcagcagtc 601 tggggcagag cttgtgaagc caggggcctc agtcaagttg tcctgcacag cttctggctt 661 caacattaaa gacacctata tgcactgggt gaagcagagg cctgaacagg gcctggagtg 721 gattggaagg attgatcctg cgaatggtaa tactaaatat gacccgaagt tccagggcaa 781 ggccactata acagcagaca catcctccaa cacagcctac ctgcagctca gcagcctgac 841 atctgaggac actgccgtct attactgtgc tagacacagt gttgcaacca catcctgagc 901 gtgtcagaaa ccatagaact gcaggaagct gcctgagact gagatgacag acaatattat 961 tgtgttagct // (05/27/91)
LOCUS MUSIGVH2B 628 bp ds-DNA ROD 27-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Mouse (GAT-specific) subgroup II germline Ig V(H)2b-3 gene related to anti-GAT Ab1 sequences ACCESSION X03573 KEYWORDS germline; immunoglobulin; immunoglobulin heavy chain; immunoglobulin heavy chain subgroup VH-II; signal peptide; variable region. SOURCE Mus musculus DNA. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 628) AUTHORS Schiff,C., Milili,M., Hue,I., Rudikoff,S. and Fougereau,M. TITLE Genetic basis for expression of the idiotypic network: One unique Ig VH germline gene accounts for the major family of Ab1 and Ab3 (Ab1') antibodies of the GAT system JOURNAL J. Exp. Med. 163, 573-587 (1986) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT EPD; 14072; Mm Ig VH4b-3. See also <X03571> and <X03572> From EMBL entry MMIGVH2B; dated 16-JAN-1991. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers sig_peptide join(144..189,269..279) mRNA <190..189 /note="exon 1" CDS join(144..189,269..573) /product="H2b-3 coding region" /codon_start=144 misc_signal 43..52 /note="conserved element; pot. cell type specific transcription control" promoter 66..73 /note="pot. TATA-box" intron 190..268 /note="intron I" mRNA 269..573 mRNA 269..573 /note="exon 2" mat_peptide 280..573 /product="H2b-3 coding region" misc_feature 574..580 /note="7 bp recombination signal" misc_feature 604..612 /note="9 bp recombination signal" BASE COUNT 177 a 151 c 147 g 153 t ORIGIN 1 agctagaaca tccttatgta agaaagatcc tgccacatga atatgcaaat catgagtctg 61 tgattataaa tacgtgcata tccacaccaa acaacatatg aacactgttt tctctacagt 121 cactgaatct caaggtcctt acaatgaaat gcagctgggt catcttcttc ctgatggcag 181 tggttatagg taaggggctc ccaagtccca aacttgaggg gccacacact ctgtgacagt 241 ggcaatcact ttgtctttct ttctacagga atcaattcag aggttcagct gcagcagtct 301 ggggcagagc ttgtgaggtc aggggcctca gtcaagttgt cctgcacagc ttctggcttc 361 aacattaaag actactatat gcactgggtg aagcagaggc ctgaacaggg cctggagtgg 421 attggatgga ttgatcctga gaatggtgat actgaatatg ccccgaagtt ccagggcaag 481 gccactatga ctgcagacac atcctccaac acagcctacc tgcagctcag cagcctgaca 541 tctgaggaca ctgccgtcta ttactgtaat gcacacagtg ttgcaaccac atcctgagag 601 tgtcagaaac cataaagtgc aggaagct // (05/27/91)
LOCUS MUSIGVH4A 1009 bp ds-DNA ROD 27-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Mouse (GAT-specific) subgroup II germline Ig V(H)4a-3 gene related to anti-GAT Ab1 sequences ACCESSION X03572 KEYWORDS germline; immunoglobulin; immunoglobulin heavy chain; immunoglobulin heavy chain subgroup VH-II; signal peptide; variable region. SOURCE Mus musculus DNA. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1009) AUTHORS Schiff,C., Milili,M., Hue,I., Rudikoff,S. and Fougereau,M. TITLE Genetic basis for expression of the idiotypic network: One unique Ig VH germline gene accounts for the major family of Ab1 and Ab3 (Ab1') antibodies of the GAT system JOURNAL J. Exp. Med. 163, 573-587 (1986) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT EPD; 14071; Mm Ig VH4a-3. See also <X03571> and <X03573> From EMBL entry MMIGVH4A; dated 16-JAN-1991. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers sig_peptide join(431..476,556..566) mRNA <477..476 /note="exon 1" CDS join(431..476,556..860) /product="H4a-3 coding region" /codon_start=431 misc_signal 331..339 /note="conserved element; pot. cell type specific transcription control" promoter 353..360 /note="pot. TATA-box" intron 477..555 /note="intron I" mRNA 556..860 mRNA 556..860 /note="exon 2" mat_peptide 567..860 /product="H4a-3 coding region" misc_feature 861..867 /note="7 bp recombination signal" misc_feature 891..899 /note="9 bp recombination signal" BASE COUNT 289 a 222 c 217 g 281 t ORIGIN 1 ggccactatt aatttcaagt gtatgaaaaa agattgcaaa ttctcataaa tatgttttta 61 aagttccagt aaccattttc tctcattgct tctaacacca ataaatttgt caccaagtaa 121 agtgagtgtc tcaggttagg attctatttt tgaaaaatga aagattaggc ttgatattgt 181 atctaagtgg tctgcacatg tctcagggaa agttcctaag acagaattag gatttggtcc 241 ccagcatcct gttgactgac ccaggtgcac tcaacttcct tcttctccag ccagaatgtt 301 cttatgtaag aaagatcctg cctcatgaat atgcaaacat gagtctgtga ttataaatac 361 agagatatcc ataccaaaca acttatgagc actgttttct ctacagtcac tgaatctcaa 421 ggtccttaca atgaaatgca gctgggtcat cttcttcctg atggcagtgg ttacaggtaa 481 ggagctccca agtcccaaac ttgaggggcc atacactctg tgacagtggc agtcactttg 541 cctttctttc tacaggggtc aattcagagg ttcagctgca gcagtctggg gctgagcttg 601 tgaggccagg ggccttagtc aagttgtcct gcaaagcttc tggcttcaac attaaagact 661 actatatgca ctgggtgaag cagaggcctg aacagggcct ggagtggatt ggatggattg 721 atcctgagaa tggtaatact atatatgacc cgaagttcca gggcaaggcc agtataacag 781 cagacacatc ctccaacaca gcctacctgc agctcagcag cctgacatct gaggacactg 841 ccgtctatta ctgtgctaga cacagtgttg caaccacatc ctgagtgtgt cagaaaccat 901 agaaccgcag gaagctgcct gagactgaga tgacagacaa tattatcctg aagattttct 961 cagaaatagc cattttgtga gcctgcctat ctacagtttt aaatgctat //