[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Mouse germline immunoglobulin V

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       MUSIGVH5      451 bp ds-DNA             ROD       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Mouse germline immunoglobulin V(H)II gene H30
KEYWORDS    germline; immunoglobulin; immunoglobulin heavy chain;
            signal peptide; variable region; variable region subgroup VH-II.
SOURCE      Mus musculus DNA.
  ORGANISM  Mus musculus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 451)
  AUTHORS   Schiff,C., Milili,M. and Fougereau,M.
  TITLE     Functional and pseudogenes are similarly organized and may equally
            contribute to the extensive antibody diversity of the IgVHII family
  JOURNAL   EMBO J. 4, 1225-1230 (1985)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL    entry MMIGVH5;  dated 02-JUL-1986.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     mRNA            <1..6
                     /note="exon 1 fragment"
     CDS             1..6
                     /note="signal peptide fragment (aa -6 to -5) (1 is 2nd
                     base in codon) (6 is 1st base in codon)"
     intron          7..89
                     /note="intron I"
     mRNA            90..>89
                     /note="exon 2 fragment"
     CDS             90..100
                     /note="signal peptide fragment (aa -4 to -1) (90 is 2nd
                     base in codon)"
     CDS             101..394
                     /note="H30 variable region (aa 1-94, kabat numbering)"
     misc_feature    395..401
                     /note="rearrangement signal"
     misc_feature    425..433
                     /note="rearrangement signal"
BASE COUNT      129 a    113 c    112 g     97 t
        1 ctgcaggtaa ggggatcacc agttcaaaat ctgaagagga aacagaatct gaggtgacag
       61 tgatacctac tatgcctttc tgtccacagg tgtccactcc caggtccagc tgcagcagtc
      121 tggggctgaa ctggtcaaga ctggggcctc agtgaagatg tcctgcaagg cttctggcta
      181 cacctttact agctacacga tgcactgggt aaaacagagg cctggacagg gtctggaatg
      241 gattggatac attaatccta gcagtggtta tactaattac aatcagaagt tcaaggacaa
      301 ggccacattg actgcagaca aatcctccag cacagcctac atgcaactga gcagcctgac
      361 atctgaggac tctgcagtct attactgtgc aagacacagt ggtgcaacca catcccgact
      421 gtgtcacaaa ccctagcaga gcaggaagct t

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       MUSIGVH6      469 bp ds-DNA             ROD       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Mouse germline immunoglobulin V(H)II gene H13-3
KEYWORDS    germline; immunoglobulin; immunoglobulin heavy chain;
            signal peptide; variable region; variable region subgroup VH-II.
SOURCE      Mus musculus DNA.
  ORGANISM  Mus musculus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 469)
  AUTHORS   Schiff,C., Milili,M. and Fougereau,M.
  TITLE     Functional and pseudogenes are similarly organized and may equally
            contribute to the extensive antibody diversity of the IgVHII family
  JOURNAL   EMBO J. 4, 1225-1230 (1985)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL    entry MMIGVH6;  dated 02-JUL-1986.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     mRNA            <1..6
                     /note="exon 1 fragment"
     CDS             1..6
                     /note="signal peptide fragment (aa -6 to -5) (1 is 2nd
                     base in codon) (6 is 1st base in codon)"
     intron          7..89
                     /note="intron I"
     mRNA            90..>89
                     /note="exon 2"
     CDS             90..100
                     /note="signal peptide fragment (aa -4 to -1) (90 is 2nd
                     base in codon)"
     CDS             101..394
                     /note="H13-3 variable region (aa 1-94, kabat numbering)"
     misc_feature    395..401
                     /note="rearrangement signal"
     misc_feature    425..433
                     /note="rearrangement signal"
BASE COUNT      137 a    118 c    116 g     98 t
        1 ctgcaggtaa ggggatcacc agttcaaaat ctgaagagga aacagaatct gaggtaacag
       61 tgatacctac tatgcctttc tgtccacagg tgtccactcc caggtccagc tgcagcagtc
      121 tgcagctgaa ctggcaagac ctggggcctc agtgaagatg tcctgcaagg cttctggcta
      181 cacctttact agctacacga tgcactgggt aaaacagagg cctggacagg gtctggaatg
      241 gattggatac attaatccta gcagtggata tactgagtac aatcagaagt tcaaggacaa
      301 gaccacattg actgcagaca aatcctccag cacagcctac atgcaactga gcagcctgac
      361 atctgaggac tctgcggtct attactgtgc aagacacagt ggtgcaacca catcccgact
      421 gtgtcagaaa ccctagcaga acaggaagct tacctgggac tgagaattc

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       MUSIGVH7      676 bp ds-DNA             ROD       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Mouse germline immunoglobulin V(H)II pseudogene H24
KEYWORDS    enhancer; germline; immunoglobulin; immunoglobulin heavy chain;
            pseudogene; signal peptide; variable region;
            variable region subgroup VH-II.
SOURCE      Mus musculus DNA.
  ORGANISM  Mus musculus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 676)
  AUTHORS   Schiff,C., Milili,M. and Fougereau,M.
  TITLE     Functional and pseudogenes are similarly organized and may equally
            contribute to the extensive antibody diversity of the IgVHII family
  JOURNAL   EMBO J. 4, 1225-1230 (1985)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL    entry MMIGVH7;  dated 16-JAN-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     sig_peptide     join(147..192,276..286)
     CDS             join(147..192,276..580)
                     /note="(aa 1-94, kabat numbering)"
                     /product="H24 variable region"
     misc_feature    40..49
                     /note="sequence homologous to SV40 enhancer"
     promoter        67..72
                     /note="pot. TATA-box"
     precursor_RNA   95..>94
                     /note="pot. H24 primary transcript"
     mRNA            95..194
                     /note="pot. H24 mRNA; exon 1"
     misc_RNA        95..95
                     /note="put. CAP site"
     intron          193..275
                     /note="intron I"
     mRNA            276..>275
                     /note="H24 mRNA; exon 2"
     mat_peptide     287..580
                     /note="(aa 1-94, kabat numbering)"
                     /product="H24 variable region"
     misc_feature    530..532
                     /note="in frame stop codon of pseudogene"
     misc_feature    581..587
                     /note="recombination signal"
     misc_feature    611..619
                     /note="recombination signal"
BASE COUNT      174 a    168 c    168 g    166 t
        1 tggactagat ccttactaag taatgcactg ctcatgaata tgcaaatcac gcaagtcttt
       61 ggcagtaaat actgggatgt ccacaccctg aaaacaacct aagatcagtg tcctctccac
      121 agtccctgaa cacactgact ttcaccatgg aatggagcgg ggtctttatc tttctcctgt
      181 cagtaactgc aggtaagggg ctccccattt ccaaatctga agatgataca gggcctgagg
      241 tgacaatgcc aaccactctg cctttctctc cacaggtgtc cactcgcagg tccagctgca
      301 gcagtctgga gctgagctgg taaggcctgg gacttcagtg aagaagtcct gcaaggtttc
      361 tggatacacc ttcgctaact actggatagg ttgggtaaag cagaggcctg gacatggcct
      421 tgagtggatt ggagatattt accctggaga cggtgttact aactacaatg agaagttcaa
      481 gggcaaggcc acactgactg cagacaaatc ctccagcaca gcctacatgt agctcagcag
      541 cctgacatct gaggactctg cggtctatta ctgttcgaga cacagtgttg caaccacatc
      601 ctgagtgtgt cagaaaccct ggaggagtag caaactgccc tgggtctgag ttgtctcagt
      661 gaaggtttct ttgtag

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       MUSIGVH8      377 bp ds-DNA             ROD       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Mouse germline immunoglobulin V(H)II gene H16
KEYWORDS    germline; immunoglobulin; immunoglobulin heavy chain;
            signal peptide; variable region; variable region subgroup VH-II.
SOURCE      Mus musculus DNA.
  ORGANISM  Mus musculus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 377)
  AUTHORS   Schiff,C., Milili,M. and Fougereau,M.
  TITLE     Functional and pseudogenes are similarly organized and may equally
            contribute to the extensive antibody diversity of the IgVHII family
  JOURNAL   EMBO J. 4, 1225-1230 (1985)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL    entry MMIGVH8;  dated 02-JUL-1986.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     mRNA            <1..6
                     /note="exon 1 fragment"
     CDS             1..6
                     /note="pot. signal peptide (aa -6 to -5) (1 is 2nd base in
                     codon) (6 is 1st base in codon)"
     intron          7..89
                     /note="intron I"
     mRNA            90..>89
                     /note="H16 mRNA; exon 2"
     CDS             90..100
                     /note="pot. signal peptide (aa -4 to -1) (90 is 2nd base
                     in codon)"
     CDS             101..377
                     /note="H16 variable region (aa 1-88/kabat numbering) (377
                     is 1st base in codon)"
BASE COUNT      101 a     96 c     92 g     88 t
        1 ctgcaggtaa ggggctcacc atttccaaat ctgaagaaaa gaaatggctt gtgatgtcac
       61 tgacatccac tctgtctttc tctcctcagg cgtccactct gaggtccagc ttcagcagtc
      121 aggacctgag ctggtgaaac ctggggcctc agtgaagata tcctgcaagg cttctggata
      181 cacattcact gactacaaca tgcactgggt gaagcagagc catggaaaga gccttgagtg
      241 gattggatat atttatcctt acaatggtgg tactggctac aaccagaagt tcaagagcaa
      301 ggccacattg actgtagaca attcctccag cacagcctac atggacgtcc gcagcctgac
      361 atctgaggac tctgcag

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       MUSIGVH9      653 bp ds-DNA             ROD       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Mouse germline immunoglobulin V(H)II pseudogene H26-1
KEYWORDS    enhancer; germline; immunoglobulin; immunoglobulin heavy chain;
            pseudogene; signal peptide; variable region;
            variable region subgroup VH-II.
SOURCE      Mus musculus DNA.
  ORGANISM  Mus musculus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 653)
  AUTHORS   Schiff,C., Milili,M. and Fougereau,M.
  TITLE     Functional and pseudogenes are similarly organized and may equally
            contribute to the extensive antibody diversity of the IgVHII family
  JOURNAL   EMBO J. 4, 1225-1230 (1985)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL    entry MMIGVH9;  dated 16-JAN-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     sig_peptide     join(124..169,253..263)
     CDS             join(124..169,253..557)
                     /note="(aa 1- 94, kabat numbering)"
                     /product="pot. H26-1 variable region"
     misc_feature    16..25
                     /note="sequence homologous to SV40 enhancer"
     promoter        43..49
                     /note="pot. TATA-box"
     precursor_RNA   72..>71
                     /note="put. H26-1 primary transcript"
     mRNA            72..169
                     /note="pot. H26-1 mRNA; exon 1"
     misc_RNA        72..72
                     /note="put. CAP-site"
     misc_feature    124..126
                     /note="mutated start codon of pseudogene"
     intron          170..252
                     /note="pot. intron I"
     mRNA            253..>252
                     /note="pot. H26-1 mRNA; exon 2"
     mat_peptide     264..557
                     /note="(aa 1- 94, kabat numbering)"
                     /product="pot. H26-1 variable region"
     misc_feature    558..564
                     /note="recombination signal"
     misc_feature    588..596
                     /note="recombination signal"
BASE COUNT      185 a    156 c    150 g    162 t
        1 ggcctgctca tgaatatgca tattacctgt gtctatgttg gttaaaaaca gggatatcaa
       61 caccctgaaa accacatatg tccaatgtcc tctccatagt cccttaacac actgactcta
      121 accataaaat ggagctggat ctttctcttc ctcctgtcag gaactgcacg taaggggctc
      181 accagttcca aatctgaaga aagaaaatat cctaagatgt caatgacaac cactctgtct
      241 ttcttttcac aggtgtccac tctgaggtcc agctgcagca gtctggacct gagctggtga
      301 agctggggcc ttcagtgaag atatcctgca aggcttctgg ttactcattc actggctact
      361 acatgcactg ggtgaagcag agccatggaa agagccttga gtggattgga gaaattaatc
      421 cttacaatgg tggtactagc tacaaccaga agttcaaggg caaggccaca ttgactgtag
      481 acacatcctc cagcacagcg tacatggagc tccacagcct gacatctgag gactctttgg
      541 tctattactg tgcaagacac agtgttgtaa ccacagcctg agtgtgtcag aaaactggaa
      601 ggtgcagcaa ggtgccttga gactgacaag acttagagaa cagtagcttg tag