LOCUS RATACRY 885 bp ss-mRNA ROD 27-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Partial sequence of messenger RNA for rat alpha-a2-crystallin. ACCESSION V01219 KEYWORDS complementary DNA; crystallin. SOURCE Rattus norvegicus RNA. ORGANISM Rattus norvegicus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 885) AUTHORS Moormann,R.J., van,d.V.H.M., Dodemont,H.J., Andreoli,P.M., Bloemendal,H. and Schoenmakers,J.G. TITLE An unusually long non-coding region in rat lens alpha crystallin messenger RNA JOURNAL Nucleic Acids Res. 9, 4813-4822 (1981) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT SWISS-PROT; P02490; CRAA$RAT. From EMBL entry RNACRY; dated 06-JUL-1989. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers mRNA <1..885 /note="mRNA" CDS <1..365 /note="reading frame crystallin (1 is 2nd base in codon)" /codon_start=1 polyA_site 885..885 /note="polyA addition site" BASE COUNT 171 a 267 c 232 g 215 t ORIGIN 1 tcttccgcac agtgttggac tccggcatct ctgaggtccg atctgaccgg gacaagtttg 61 tcatcttctt ggatgtgaag cacttctctc ctgaggacct caccgtgaag gtactggaag 121 atttcgtgga gatccatggc aaacacaacg agaggcagga tgaccatggc tacatttccc 181 gtgaatttca ccgtcgctac cgtctgcctt ccaatgtgga ccagtccgcc ctctcctgct 241 ccttgtctgc ggatggcatg ctgaccttct ctggccccaa ggtccagtct ggcttggatg 301 ctggccacag cgagagggcc attcccgtgt cacgggagga gaagcccagc tcggcaccct 361 cgtcctgagc aggcctcgcc ttggttgtcc cctgatgccc ctgatccatc tgcccagggg 421 ccacagcaaa gagtctgcct tcctgacttc ttttctttct ctttgtttcc tttccacttt 481 ctcagagggc tgaggatttg agagagtggc ttaaagagct tggggggtct tggcctgaga 541 tggctgcggg ttcagggtga cccaggctca acaccagccg gtcagaggga atgatggcat 601 tgaactctta agatttcctg tcctcctgga aagtggcatc gagctctgcc aaaggcagag 661 tgaatggtgg ctaaccaacc ccaagagccc tctgccaagc ccctggatgg cagcctccca 721 ccccctttgc ccacacttac cgcaggcgta tatgctgggc tccaacagtc cgcttctctc 781 atgccctctt cctgtgactt tctctactat gtagtatcgc tcctggggac cctgatcacc 841 catgagaatg ggcccctggc agacaataaa gagcaggtga caagc //