[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Rat mRNA for atrial natriuretic factor precursor

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       RATANFR       790 bp ss-mRNA            ROD       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Rat mRNA for atrial natriuretic factor precursor
ACCESSION   X00665 X00658
KEYWORDS    atrial natriuretic factor; auriculin; signal peptide.
SOURCE      Rattus norvegicus RNA.
  ORGANISM  Rattus norvegicus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 790)
  AUTHORS   Yamanaka,M., Greenberg,B., Johnson,L., Seilhamer,J., Brewer,M.,
            Friedemann,T., Miller,J., Atlas,S., Laragh,J., Lewicki,J. and
  TITLE     Cloning and sequence analysis of the cDNA for the rat atrial
            natriuretic factor precursor
  JOURNAL   Nature 309, 719-722 (1984)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 790)
  AUTHORS   Maki,M., Takayanagi,R., Misono,K.S., Pandey,K.N., Tibbetts,C. and
  TITLE     Structure of rat atrial natriuretic factor precursor deduced from
            cDNA sequence
  JOURNAL   Nature 309, 722-724 (1984)
  STANDARD  full automatic
            From EMBL    entry RNANFR;  dated 02-JUL-1986.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     unsure          1..6
                     /note="pot. cloning artefact"
     CDS             69..524
                     /note="AFN precursor"
     CDS             69..140
                     /note="signal peptide"
     CDS             141..524
     misc_feature    441..446
                     /note="pot. proteolytic processing site"
     CDS             447..518
     misc_feature    519..524
                     /note="pot. proteolytic processing site"
     misc_feature    759..764
                     /note="pot. polyA signal"
     misc_feature    769..774
                     /note="pot. polyA signal"
     polyA_site      790..790
                     /note="polyA site"
BASE COUNT      190 a    222 c    216 g    162 t
        1 ggctgagaga gaaaccagag agtgagccga gacagcaaac atcagatcgt gccccgaccc
       61 acgccagcat gggctccttc tccatcacca agggcttctt cctcttcctg gccttttggc
      121 tcccaggcca tattggagca aatcccgtat acagtgcggt gtccaacaca gatctgatgg
      181 atttcaagaa cctgctagac cacctggagg agaagatgcc ggtagaagat gaggtcatgc
      241 ctccgcaggc cctgagcgag cagaccgatg aagcgggggc ggcacttagc tccctctctg
      301 aggtgcctcc ctggactggg gaagtcaacc cgtctcagag agatggaggt gctctcgggc
      361 gcggcccctg ggacccctcc gatagatctg ccctcttgaa aagcaaactg agggctctgc
      421 tcgctggccc tcggagcctg cgaaggtcaa gctgcttcgg gggtaggatt gacaggattg
      481 gagcccagag cggactaggc tgcaacagct tccggtaccg aagataacag ccaaatctgc
      541 tcgagcagat cgcaaaagat cccaagcctt gcggtgtgtc acacagcttg gtcgcattgc
      601 cactgagagg tggtgaatac cctcctggag ctgcagcttc ctgtcttcat ctatcacgat
      661 cgatgttaag tgtagatgag tggtttagtg aggccttacc tctcccactc tgcatattaa
      721 ggtagatcct cacccctttc agaaagcagt tggaaaaaaa taaatccgaa taaacttcag
      781 caccacggac