[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 4 coding for the coat protein.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/27/91)

LOCUS       MAAALM5       881 bp ss-mRNA            VRL       27-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 4 coding for the coat protein.
KEYWORDS    coat protein.
SOURCE      Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA.
  ORGANISM  Alfalfa mosaic virus
            Viridae; ss-RNA nonenveloped viruses; Alfamoviridae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 881)
  AUTHORS   Brederode,F.T., Koper-Zwarthoff,E.C. and Bol,J.F.
  TITLE     Complete nucleotide sequence of alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 4
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 8, 2213-2223 (1980)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 101)
  AUTHORS   Koper-Zwarthoff,E.C., Brederode,F.T., Veeneman,G., Van Boom,J.H.
            and Bol,J.F.
  TITLE     Nucleotide sequences at the 5'-termini of the alfalfa mosaic virus
            RNAs and the intercistronic junction in RNA 3
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 8, 5635-5647 (1980)
  STANDARD  full automatic
            From EMBL    entry ALALM5;  dated 06-JUL-1989.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_RNA        1..1
                     /note="CAPPED BY M7-G-PPP-"
     CDS             37..699
                     /note="READING FRAME (COAT PROTEIN)"
BASE COUNT      215 a    212 c    210 g    244 t
        1 gtttttattt ttaattttct ttcaaatact tccatcatga gttcttcaca aaagaaagct
       61 ggtgggaaag ctggtaaacc tactaaacgt tctcagaact atgctgcttt acgcaaagct
      121 caactgccga agcctccggc gttgaaagtc ccggttgtaa aaccgacgaa tactatactg
      181 ccacagacgg gctgcgtgtg gcaaagcctc gggacccctc tgagtctgag ctcttttaat
      241 gggctcggcg cgagattcct ctacagtttt ctgaaggatt tcgtgggacc tcggatcctc
      301 gaagaggatc tgatttacag gatggtgttt tccataacac cgtcccatgc cggcaccttt
      361 tgtctcactg atgacgtgac gactgaggat ggtagggccg tcgcgcatgg taatcccatg
      421 caagaatttc ctcatggcgc gtttcacgcc aatgagaagt tcgggtttga gttggtcttc
      481 acagctccta cccatgcggg aatgcaaaat caaaatttca agcattccta tgccgtagcc
      541 ctctgtctgg acttcgatgc gcagcctgag ggatctaaaa atccctcatt ccgattcaac
      601 gaagtttggg tcgagagaaa ggcgttcccg cgagcagggc ccctccgcag tttgattact
      661 gtggggctgt tcgacgaagc tgacgatctt gatcgtcatt gatttacccc attaatttgg
      721 gatgctaaag tcatttaatg ctgacctcca ctgggtggat taaggtcaag gtatgaagtc
      781 ctattcgctc ctgataggat cgacttcata ttgcttatat atgtgctaac gcacatatat
      841 aaatgctcat gcaaaactgc atgaatgccc ctaagggatg c