[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Bluetongue virus BTV-17 segment S

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/29/91)

LOCUS       BTVV17VP7    1156 bp ss-mRNA            VRL       28-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Bluetongue virus BTV-17 segment S(1) for capsid protein VP7
KEYWORDS    capsid protein.
SOURCE      Bluetongue virus RNA.
  ORGANISM  Bluetongue virus
            Viridae; ds-RNA nonenveloped viruses; Reoviridae; Orbiviridae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1156)
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1156)
  AUTHORS   Kowalik,T.F., Li,J.K., Chuang,R.Y., Doi,R.H. and Osburn,B.L.
  TITLE     The complete nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of the gene
            encoding the major inner capsid protein, VP7 of US bluetongue virus
            serotype 17
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 18, 5302-5302 (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     *source: strain=serotype 17 (US);
            Data kindly reviewed (08-OCT-1990) by Li J.K.K.
            From EMBL    entry BTV17VP7;  dated 15-NOV-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             18..1064
                     /note="VP7 (AA 1-349)"
BASE COUNT      314 a    242 c    298 g    302 t
        1 gttaaaaatc tatagagatg gacactatcg ctgcaagagc actcactgtg atgcgagcat
       61 gtgctacgct tcaagaggca agaattgtgt tggaagccaa tgtgatggaa attctgggga
      121 ttgctatcaa taggtacaat ggacttactc tacgaggagt gacgatgcgc ccaacctcgt
      181 tagcacaaag aaatgagatg ttttttatgt gtttggatat gatgctgtct gctactggga
      241 taaatgtcgg accgatatcg ccagactata ctcaacatat ggctacgatt ggtgtgctag
      301 caacaccgga aatacctttt acaacggaag cggcgaatga aatagctcga gtgactgggg
      361 agacttcgac atgggggcca gcgcgtcagc cttatggttt tttccttgaa actgaggaaa
      421 ccttccaacc tgggagatgg ttcatgcgcg ccgctcaagc agtaactgca gtagtgtgcg
      481 gtccggatat gattcaggtg tcactcaatg ctggagcgag aggggatgta caacagatat
      541 ttcagggtcg taatgatcct atgatgatat atttagtgtg gaggagaatc gaaaactttg
      601 cgatggcgca aggtaattca caacaaactc aagcgggtgt gactgtcagt gttggtggag
      661 ttgacatgag ggcgggacgc attatagcgt gggatgggca ggccgcgctg cacgtgcata
      721 acccaacaca acagaatgcg atggtgcaaa tacaggttgt gttctatata tctatggata
      781 agactttaaa ccagtacccc gctttgactg ctgagatttt taatgtttac agcttcaggg
      841 atcacacatg gcatgggcta agaacggcaa tattaaacag aaccacactg ccaaacatgc
      901 tgccaccaat tttcccacca aacgatcgag atagtatctt aactctccta cctttatcta
      961 cacttgctga tgtttacact gttttaaggc cggaatttgc gattcacggc gtaaatccga
     1021 tgccagggcc gctcacacgt gctattgcac gcgccgccta tgtgtaatcc actttgcacg
     1081 ggtgtgggtt acatatgcgg tgtgtcggtt gtgggaaata tgtaacccat ttaaacgtct
     1141 cttagattac acttac