[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/07/91)

LOCUS       MCVSATR       338 bp ss-RNA             VRL       07-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA.
KEYWORDS    satellite RNA.
SOURCE      Cucumber mosaic virus (strain F) isolated from Petasites japonicum
            Miq., satellite RNA.
  ORGANISM  Cucumber mosaic virus
            Viridae; ss-RNA nonenveloped viruses; Isometric ss-RNA viruses;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 338)
  AUTHORS   Hidaka,S., Hanada,K. and Ishikawa,K.
  TITLE     In vitro messenger properties of a satellite RNA of cucumber mosaic
  JOURNAL   J. Gen. Virol. 71, 439-442 (1990)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             11..94
                     /note="open reading frame"
BASE COUNT       72 a     87 c     95 g     84 t
ORIGIN      5' end of the satellite RNA.
        1 gttttgtttg atggagaatt acgcggaggg gatatatctg cgtgaggatc catcactcag
       61 cggtgtgggt tacctccctg ctacggcggg ttgagtgacg tacctcggac tggggacctc
      121 tggcctgcga gctaagtccg ttaccctcag cactgcgctc tcatttgagc ccccgctcag
      181 tttgctagca aaacccggcc catggtttgc cgttaccgtg gaaatttcga aagaaacact
      241 ctgttaggtg gtatcgtgga caacgcacgc agggagaggc taaaactcat aagagtcatg
      301 ctgatctccg tggatgttta cattccgtca caggaccc

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/29/91)

LOCUS       MCVMVSAT      339 bp ss-mRNA            VRL       28-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA
KEYWORDS    satellite RNA.
SOURCE      Cucumber mosaic virus RNA.
  ORGANISM  Cucumber mosaic virus
            Viridae; ss-RNA nonenveloped viruses; Isometric ss-RNA viruses;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 339)
  AUTHORS   Garcia-Arenal,F.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 339)
  AUTHORS   Fraile,A., Moriones,E. and Garcia-Arenal,F.
  TITLE     Characterisation of a satellite RNA associated with strain K8 of
            cucumber mosaic virus.
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 18, 4593-4593 (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     *source: strain=K8-CMV. Complete sequence of a CMV satellite RNA
            that attenuates symptoms induced by tomato and tobacco helper
            Data kindly reviewed (10-SEP-1990) by Garcia-Arenal F.
            From EMBL    entry CUMVSAT;  dated 27-SEP-1990.
BASE COUNT       70 a     87 c     95 g     87 t
        1 gttttgtttg ttagagaatt gcgtagaggg gttatatcta cgtgaggatc tatcactcgg
       61 cggtgtgggt tacctccctt ctacggcggg ttgagttgac gcatctcgga ctggggaccg
      121 ctggcttgcg agctatgtcc gctactctca gcactgcgca ctcatttgag cccccgctca
      181 gtttgctagc aaaacccggc ccgtggtatg ccgtgaccgc ggaacttcga aagaaacact
      241 ctgttaggtg gtatcgtgga tgacgcacgc agggagaggc taaaacctat aaggtcatgc
      301 tgatctccgt gaatgtctac acattcctct acaggaccc