LOCUS DENDEN2N1 360 bp ss-mRNA VRL 28-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Dengue virus type 2 genomic RNA for NS1 protein N-term. ACCESSION X05376 KEYWORDS NS1 protein; nonstructural protein. SOURCE Dengue virus type 2 RNA. ORGANISM Dengue virus type 2 Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus (arbovirus group B). REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 360) AUTHORS Biedrzycka,A., Cauchi,M.R., Bartholomeusz,A., Gorman,J.J. and Wright,P.J. TITLE Characterisation of Protease Cleavage Sites Involved in the Formation of the Envelope Glycoprotein and Three Non-structural Proteins of Dengue Virus Type 2, New Guinea C Strain JOURNAL J. Gen. Virol. 68, 1317-1326 (1987) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT *source: strain=New guinea C; Data kindly reviewed (08-DEC-1987) by WRIGHT P.J. From EMBL entry FLDEN2N1; dated 06-JUL-1989. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>360 /note="genomic ORF" /codon_start=1 CDS 280..>360 /note="NS3 protein (AA 1-27)" /codon_start=280 BASE COUNT 95 a 65 c 106 g 94 t ORIGIN 1 acaacaatga ggggagcgaa gagaatggcc attttaggtg acacagcttg ggattttgga 61 tccctgggag gagtgtttac atctatagga aaggctctcc accaagtttt cggagcaatc 121 tatggggctg ccttcagtgg ggtctcatgg actatgaaaa tcctcatagg agtcattatc 181 acatggatag gaatgaattc acgcagcacc tcactttctg tgtcactagt attggtggga 241 gtcgtgacgc tgtatttggg agttatggtg caggccgata gtggttgcgt tgtgagctgg 301 aaaaacaaag aactgaagtg tggcagtggg attttcatca cagacaacgt gcacacatgg //