LOCUS HS1HSV2 430 bp ds-DNA VRL 28-MAY-1991 DEFINITION HSV gene for the late (beta-gamma) messenger RNA (5'-terminus). ACCESSION V00469 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Herpes simplex virus type 1 DNA. ORGANISM Herpes simplex virus type 1 Viridae; ds-DNA enveloped viruses; Herpesviridae; Alphaherpesvirinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 430) AUTHORS Frink,R.J., Draper,K.G. and Wagner,E.K. TITLE Uninfected cell polymerase efficiently transcribes early but not late herpes simplex type 1 mRNA JOURNAL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78, 6139-6143 (1981) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT From EMBL entry HEHSV2; dated 03-NOV-1982. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers mRNA 111..>430 /note="messenger RNA (late)" BASE COUNT 51 a 145 c 145 g 89 t ORIGIN 1 cttgcgcaca cgggccctgg ggatgcctgc gcggccgggg cctcggtgtg ggtggcggcg 61 gcggacgctt tgccgcctct gccaatttct tcctgcacgc ttttggacca gggccatctt 121 gaatgcaccc gtcgcgttct aacgggggtg gggcgggggg ggtatataag gcctgggatc 181 ccacgtcccc gggtctgttg gggacactgg gttctctgga acgaggccgc agccttctcc 241 cggtgccttt cccccctacc gacacccggc ctctcacaca gcatcccccg cctttttggg 301 tccgggcccg tcgtgtcttt cggtggacct tgggccgtcg ggcacgtaca cgggtggccg 361 ggcgttgggg tggatcttag cctccccggg ccaatatcgc agagacagcc gatctccacg 421 cgaccccatg //