[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Influenza C/Johannesburg/1/66 virus, NS protein

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/29/91)

LOCUS       FLCFLCJG6     934 bp ss-mRNA            VRL       28-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza C/Johannesburg/1/66 virus, NS protein (seg 7), complete
ACCESSION   D00031 N00031
KEYWORDS    Influenza C virus; Johannesburg/1/66; NS; complete genome.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type C RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type C
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 934)
  AUTHORS   Buonagurio,D.A., Nakada,S., Fitch,W.M. and Palese,P.
  TITLE     Epidemiology of influenza C virus in man: Multiple evolutionary
            lineages and low rate of change
  JOURNAL   Virology 153, 12-21 (1986)
  STANDARD  full automatic
            The nucleotide sequences of nonstructural protein (NS) genes of
            human influenza C viruses isolated between 1947 and 1983 were
            determined and compared. In [1], the first 40 nucleotides at the 5'
            end of the plus sense cDNA could not be determinded by direct RNA
            sequencing using the dideoxy chain termination method. The position
            of the initiation codon for NS1 and NS2 proteins is indicated
            putatively by comparing with the sequence of the previously
            reported C/CAL/78 virus NS gene.
            From EMBL    entry ORFLCJG6;  dated 19-SEP-1987.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             27..887
                     /note="NS1 peptide"
     CDS             27..213
                     /note="NS2 peptide"
     CDS             527..705
BASE COUNT      315 a    165 c    169 g    245 t     40 others
        1 nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn agtcaaatca acaaatttaa
       61 tggcatttgt agccacaaaa atgttagaga gacaagaaga tttagacaca tgcactgaaa
      121 tgcaagtaga aaaaatgaaa acgtcaacaa aagctaggtt gagaacagaa tcttcttttg
      181 cacctagaac atgggaagat gcaataaaag atggtgagct tctattcaac gggacgattc
      241 tgcaagcaga gtcccctaca atgacgccag cgtccgtaga aatgaaggga aagaaatttc
      301 ctattgattt tgctccaagc aacatagcac caattgggca aaatccaata tatctgtcac
      361 catgtattcc taactttgat ggaaacgtct gggaagcaac gatgtatcat catcgtggag
      421 caactttgac aaagacaatg aattgcaact gttttcaaag aacaatttgg tgccatccaa
      481 atccttcacg tatgagattg agctatgcat ttgttttgta ttgcagaaat actaagaaga
      541 tctgtggata cctcatcgct agacaagtgg ccggaattga aacaggaatt agaaaatgtt
      601 tcagatgcat taaaagcgga ttcgttatgg ctaccgatga aatctctctc actatactcc
      661 aaagtatcaa atcaggagcc cagctcgatc cctattggga aatgaaacac cagatattga
      721 caagactgaa gcttatatgc tctcgcttag agaagctgga ccttaacctg agcaaagcag
      781 tcttaggaat ccaaaattct gaagatctta ttttgatcat atataacaga gatgtttgta
      841 aaaacactat attaatgata aaatctttgt gtaattcact tatataattg ttttaagttg
      901 ttattccaaa gttaaaaatc cccttgctcc tgct