[net.space] FTL, etc.

KATZ@USC-ISIF@sri-unix (08/10/82)

From: Alan R. Katz <KATZ at USC-ISIF>

It seems to me that the usenet people are completely unaware that this
digest also goes to the Arpanet.  They refer to this digest as net.space
and talk about moving discussions to net.physics and net.misc.  The
FTL/quantum physics discussion SHOULD be moved to one of these lists because
it is not appropriate to the Space mailing list (at least the Arpanet 
version).  When the Space digest was set up, there was concern that we would
start discussing FTL or other "Science Fiction" ideas instead of space.  The
general consensus seemed to be at that time that we ought to stick to space
related topics.

I am extremely interested in FTL and quantum mechanics "philosophy."  I
am in my 6th year of graduate school in Physics, and am working in 
Quantum Field Theory.  I have TA'd upper division quantum mechanics courses. 
The trouble is that there is a large amount of misunderstanding about the
subject when you deal with it in a non mathematical way.  In my opinion
based on my knowledge, greater than 90% of the discussion on the subject
in this digest has been total nonsense, or at best extremely ill defined
and misleading.  So, even though I am intensely interested in the subject,
I have very little desire to discuss the topic "at the layman level" in
a digest form, and certainly not in the Space digest.

It is important to keep ones mind open.  It is even more important to 
approach new ideas skeptically.  There is no shortage of "crackpot" ideas
which sound OK to very intelligent people, if they do not have the
technical knowledge with which to analyze it.  In particular, the stuff
Alan Holt has written is very probably nonsense.  I say very probably,
because in the two papers I have read by him, he spends a long time leading
up to his idea for FTL, then mentions that it exists without giving
any real justification, then spends a long time telling why we should fund
such a project.  So I guess its possible he has something, but is keeping
it very secret, but I doubt it.

Sorry for the long message, but being involved in the field (which I am
actually in in the hope of maybe finding a FTL drive or something like
it someday) I am concerned with the way certain "facts" have been thrown
about even to "prove" that ESP exists!  So please, lets move this kind
of discussion off the Space mailing list.

				Alan (Katz@ISIF)
