LOCUS VSVVSV2 150 bp ss-mRNA VRL 28-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Part of the N gene of vesicular stomatitis virus. ACCESSION V01210 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Vesicular stomatitis virus RNA. ORGANISM Vesicular stomatitis virus Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses; Rhabdoviridae; Vesiculovirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 150) AUTHORS Mcgeoch,D.J. TITLE Structure of the gene N: gene NS intercistronic junction in the genome of vesicular stomatitis virus JOURNAL Cell 17, 673-681 (1979) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT KST VESICSTOMATITISVGENENS From EMBL entry RHVSV2; dated 06-JUL-1989. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..45 /note="reading frame (N protein)" /codon_start=1 CDS 111..>150 /note="reading frame (NS protein)" /codon_start=111 BASE COUNT 60 a 25 c 23 g 42 t ORIGIN 1 agagagaaga caattggcaa gtatgctaag tcagaatttg acaaatgacc ctataattct 61 cagatcacct attatatatt atgctacata tgaaaaaaac taacagatat catggataat 121 ctcacaaaag ttcgtgagta tctcaagtct //