LOCUS MBVMBV1 166 bp ss-mRNA VRL 28-MAY-1991 DEFINITION 3' terminal sequence of Middleburg virus genomic RNA. ACCESSION V01397 KEYWORDS repetitive sequence. SOURCE Middleburg virus RNA. ORGANISM Middleburg virus Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus; Togaviridae; Alphaviridae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 166) AUTHORS Ou,J.-H., Trent,D.W. and Strauss,J.H. TITLE The 3'-non-coding regions of alphavirus RNAs contain repeating sequences JOURNAL J. Mol. Biol. 156, 719-730 (1982) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT The sequence is listed here in 5' to 3' direction; in [1] it is presented 3' to 5'. From EMBL entry TOMBV1; dated 06-JUL-1989. BASE COUNT 54 a 29 c 24 g 55 t 4 others ORIGIN 1 ggaatattaa aaccaatggc gactagcaat cgtcgcgata ttatttccaa atcataaata 61 atccaattat tagtatccaa ttagttctgc caattagttc tgtttaatcc aatnattagt 121 atccaatnag ttntgccaat nagttctgtt tacaataatg ggcggc //