LOCUS SINSINHR 350 bp ss-mRNA VRL 28-MAY-1991 DEFINITION 3' terminal sequence of Sindbis virus (HR) genomic RNA. ACCESSION V01402 KEYWORDS repetitive sequence. SOURCE Sindbis virus RNA. ORGANISM Sindbis virus Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus; Togaviridae; Alphaviridae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 350) AUTHORS Ou,J.-H., Trent,D.W. and Strauss,J.H. TITLE The 3'-non-coding regions of alphavirus RNAs contain repeating sequences JOURNAL J. Mol. Biol. 156, 719-730 (1982) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT The sequence is listed here in 5' to 3' direction; in [1] it is presented 3' to 5'. From EMBL entry TOSINHR; dated 06-JUL-1989. BASE COUNT 95 a 67 c 82 g 104 t 2 others ORIGIN 1 gaaatgttaa aaacaaaatt ttgttgatta ataaaagaaa taataaaagt tatgcagacg 61 ctgcgtggca ttatgcacca cgcttcctca gaaatacatt gagtttttgg cgtccgctag 121 ataaatggtt aatatagtgg ttatgtggca acacngcgca nattatgcac tgcgcttcct 181 cggaagtaca tcgagttttt agtgttgcta tattgcccgc ggtaagcgat ctaatgtacc 241 agcctgatgc attatgcaca tcagttcctc ggaagtacat cgagttttgc tggtcggatc 301 attggggcgt agcggtcatc ttcgtgtgct agtcagcatc atgctgcaag // (05/29/91)
LOCUS SINSINWT 226 bp ss-mRNA VRL 28-MAY-1991 DEFINITION 3' terminal sequence of Sindbis virus (WT) genomic RNA. ACCESSION V01404 KEYWORDS repetitive sequence. SOURCE Sindbis virus RNA. ORGANISM Sindbis virus Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus; Togaviridae; Alphaviridae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 226) AUTHORS Ou,J.-H., Trent,D.W. and Strauss,J.H. TITLE The 3'-non-coding regions of alphavirus RNAs contain repeating sequences JOURNAL J. Mol. Biol. 156, 719-730 (1982) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT The sequence is listed here in 5' to 3' direction; in [1] it is presented 3' to 5'. From EMBL entry TOSINWT; dated 06-JUL-1989. BASE COUNT 68 a 38 c 50 g 69 t 1 others ORIGIN 1 gaaatgttaa aaacaaaatt ttgttgatta ataaaagaaa taataaaagt tatgcagacg 61 ctgcgtggca ttatgcacca cgcttcctca gaaatacatt gagtttttgg cgtccgctag 121 ataaatggtt aatatagtgg ttatgtggca acactgcgca gnttatgcac tgcgcttcct 181 cggaagtaca tcgagttttt agtgttgcta tattgcccgc ggtaag //