LOCUS CHKCRYD1A 1310 bp ds-DNA VRT 28-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Chicken delta 1-crystallin gene 5'-region ACCESSION X02187 KEYWORDS crystallin; delta-crystalin. SOURCE Gallus gallus DNA. ORGANISM Gallus gallus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Aves; Neornithes; Neognathae; Galliformes; Phasianidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1310) AUTHORS Borras,T., Nickerson,J.M., Chepelinsky,A.B. and Piatigorsky,J. TITLE Structural and functional evidence for differential promoter activity of the two linked delta-crystallin genes in the chicken JOURNAL EMBO J. 4, 445-452 (1985) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT SWISS-PROT; P02521; CRD1$CHICK. *source: strain=white Leghorn; clone=g(delta)Cr1; sequence differs from X00626 From EMBL entry GGCRYD1A; dated 21-NOV-1988. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers repeat_region 145..153 /note="direct repeat 1" repeat_region 239..245 /note="direct repeat 2" repeat_region 276..282 /note="direct repeat 3" misc_feature 311..317 /note="put. enhancer like sequence" repeat_region 473..479 /note="direct repeat 3" repeat_region 493..499 /note="direct repeat 2" repeat_region 514..524 /note="direct repeat 4" misc_feature 548..552 /note="put. CAT-box" promoter 591..595 /note="put. TATA-box" precursor_RNA 619..>1310 /note="primary transcript" mRNA 619..653 /note="put. exon 1" repeat_region 637..645 /note="direct repeat 5" intron 654..763 /note="put. intron I" repeat_region 705..715 /note="direct repeat 4" repeat_region 712..720 /note="direct repeat 5" repeat_region 718..724 /note="direct repeat 6" repeat_region 727..733 /note="direct repeat 7" repeat_region 738..744 /note="direct repeat 6" mRNA 764..827 /note="put. exon 2" repeat_region 786..793 /note="direct repeat 8" CDS 816..827 /note="put. delta-crystallin (aa 1-4)" /codon_start=816 intron 828..>1310 /note="put. intron II" repeat_region 855..861 /note="direct repeat 9" repeat_region 866..872 /note="direct repeat 9" repeat_region 891..897 /note="direct repeat 7" repeat_region 916..922 /note="direct repeat 9" repeat_region 925..931 /note="direct repeat 9" misc_feature 968..974 /note="put. enhancer like sequence" repeat_region 1002..1015 /note="direct repeat 10" repeat_region 1093..1101 /note="direct repeat 1" BASE COUNT 322 a 364 c 350 g 274 t ORIGIN 1 ctcacacccc acacctcagt ctcaagctca caggagcttc tcaagattga cccgatacaa 61 ttggtgacag cagaaaccct gaaagctgaa gtgtcctttg aagtggggtg aaaaggctca 121 tctgcacagg aactggaggc aaaatagctc ccagctgttt cattcttgcg cgttggtggc 181 aatgaagatg gagtgttgac aatcaaccca acatcccaag tacattcaca ccaacgtaga 241 gggggatgcc aaagtagaaa gactccttca gtacaaggat agtccccgac aaggaggtga 301 cctgcctgtg aaaccacaca gcagacactc tccaccacag gtgctcttcc accaataact 361 ttacaaacaa gcaacacgat ggcatctcta tcagctctct tcttcacagc caccctaccc 421 actgggaaac ctctcactga cctttcccta attgagcagg ggccggacac acaggatagg 481 ggtgggcagc atgagggggg ccagagggag agggggcaga gctgggctgg acgaggggac 541 accgccccca atggggcgtg acgagctgcc agcccaggct ccggggcacg taaaagcggg 601 gctgtgagac cggagagcac ggagcgacca gccagggctg agctgcggag acggtgagca 661 gggctgtgcg ggcagctggg gaggctctgt gctgctgtgg ggctgggcag agctgagctg 721 agccaaacag agctgaactg agcctcgcct cgctgttccg caggttgcca ccaggtgcca 781 ggattgctgc aaacacgagc aaaacgtcgt ccgaaatggc aaccgaggtg aggccgaact 841 ttgcttttcc tacggggtgc tctcagggtg ctctgacagc tgatagctcc acagagcatc 901 cagtcgcgtt tgttagggtg ctcagggtgc ttctctctgc ctgatttctt ttctcggtat 961 ttttaaatgg aaagggaata gcaaatgtat ttgctgcaac atacttatat actgcgataa 1021 tatgcttctt tactacttat atactgccat atactaagat atattccaat acctcttcct 1081 catccaagcg cttagctccc aacactggcc ttcagcaccc catccattca ccgcagcggg 1141 ctgcactccc agcgaggggc tgcaaaacat tgcttttaca actcagttcc tctcccacag 1201 ctcctgttga caaactgcta taaagagaaa agttgaagag acttggcact tcgtgcctac 1261 aggtttcctc ctctccagcg gctgcctggg aaggggctcc cggggccgcc //