[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Part of the chicken insulin gene

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/29/91)

LOCUS       CHKINS4       497 bp ds-DNA             VRT       28-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Part of the chicken insulin gene (exon 1).
KEYWORDS    germline; insulin.
SOURCE      Gallus gallus DNA.
  ORGANISM  Gallus gallus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Aves;
            Neornithes; Neognathae; Galliformes; Phasianidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 497)
  AUTHORS   Perler,F., Efstratiadis,A., Lomedico,P., Gilbert,W., Kolodner,R.
            and Dodgson,J.
  TITLE     The evolution of genes: the chicken preproinsulin gene
  JOURNAL   Cell 20, 555-566 (1980)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     EPD; 07110; Gg insulin. SWISS-PROT; P01332; INS$CHICK.
            KST GGA.INSULIN1
            From EMBL    entry GGINS1;  dated 06-JUL-1989.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     precursor_RNA   38..>497
                     /note="primary transcript"
     mRNA            38..74
                     /note="exon 1"
     intron          75..193
                     /note="intervening sequence"
     mRNA            194..397
                     /note="second exon"
     CDS             211..397
                     /note="part of reading frame"
     intron          398..>497
                     /note="intervening sequence"
BASE COUNT      101 a    136 c    107 g    153 t
        1 cttctggtta taattggtca tttattatga cttttaaagc ctgatgaata aaatattcct
       61 ttcctcttca gaaggtccat ttgcttctgt agtcttgttt tcacgtcaaa ggagctgagg
      121 gacataagat gcctgatgat agcttattcc tcccttgcaa cccccccgtg tctcctttgc
      181 ttcctacctc taggcctccc ccagctcatc atggctctct ggatccgatc actgcctctt
      241 ctggctctcc ttgtcttttc tggccctgga accagctatg cagctgccaa ccagcacctc
      301 tgtggctccc acttggtgga ggctctctac ctggtgtgtg gagagcgtgg cttcttctac
      361 tcccccaaag cccgacggga tgtcgagcag cccctaggta agtcagtttg accatgacta
      421 cattcatatg ctatatgatg caaaaagcaa ctgtctatct ttgatggtga cacaaggaat
      481 gtccttggtg gggaatg