[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Turkey c-rel proto-oncogene exon 5

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/29/91)

LOCUS       TKYCREL5      234 bp ds-DNA             VRT       28-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Turkey c-rel proto-oncogene exon 5
KEYWORDS    cellular oncogene; rel cellular oncogene.
SOURCE      Meleagris gallopavo DNA.
  ORGANISM  Meleagris gallopavo
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Aves;
            Neornithes; Neognathae; Galliformes; Meleagridae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 234)
  AUTHORS   Wilhelmsen,K.C., Eggleton,K. and Temin,H.M.
  TITLE     Nucleic acid sequences of the oncogene v-rel in
            reticuloendotheliosis virus strain T and its cellular homolog, the
            proto-oncogene c-rel
  JOURNAL   J. Virol. 52, 172-182 (1984)
  STANDARD  full automatic
            From EMBL    entry MGCREL5;  dated 18-NOV-1986.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_feature    16..228
                     /note="seq. homologous to v-rel; put exon 5"
BASE COUNT       68 a     51 c     59 g     56 t
        1 tttctaatga actagatgac atagaggtca gatttgtctt gggcaactgg gaggcaaagg
       61 gctccttctc ccaagctgat gttcatcgcc aggtcgcaat tgtatttaga acaccgccgt
      121 tcctcagaga catcacagaa cccatcacgg tgaagatgca gttacgaaga ccttcagacc
      181 aggaagtcag tgaaccagtg gatttcagat atttaccaga tgaagagggt atgg