LOCUS XELAGL1 63 bp ds-DNA VRT 28-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Part of the Xenopus laevis gene for alpha-globin. ACCESSION V01431 KEYWORDS alpha-globin; germline; globin. SOURCE Xenopus laevis DNA. ORGANISM Xenopus laevis Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Amphibia; Lissamphibia; Anura; Archeobatrachia; Pipoidea; Pipidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 63) AUTHORS Patient,R.K., Elkington,J.A., Kay,R.M. and Williams,J.G. TITLE Internal organization of the major adult alpha- and beta-globin genes of X.leavis JOURNAL Cell 21, 565-573 (1980) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT From EMBL entry XLAGL1; dated 02-MAR-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers mRNA <1..57 /note="messenger RNA fragment (exon)" CDS <1..57 /note="reading frame" /codon_start=1 intron 58..>63 /note="intron" BASE COUNT 16 a 18 c 16 g 13 t ORIGIN 1 agcaagctga gtgacctcca tgcctatgac ctgagagtgg accctggcaa cttcccagta 61 agt //