[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Xenopus laevis mRNA for larval beta I globin

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/29/91)

LOCUS       XELBGL1R      598 bp ss-mRNA            VRT       28-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Xenopus laevis mRNA for larval beta I globin
ACCESSION   X03143 J00979
KEYWORDS    beta-globin; globin.
SOURCE      Xenopus laevis RNA.
  ORGANISM  Xenopus laevis
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Amphibia;
            Lissamphibia; Anura; Archeobatrachia; Pipoidea; Pipidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 22 to 598)
  AUTHORS   Banville,D., Kay,R.M., Harris,R. and Williams,J.G.
  TITLE     The nucleotide sequence of the mrna encoding a tadpole beta-globin
            polypeptide of xenopus laevis
  JOURNAL   J. Biol. Chem. 258, 7924-7927 (1983)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 598)
  AUTHORS   Knoechel,W., Meyerhof,W., Stalder,J. and Weber,R.
  TITLE     Comparative nucleotide sequence analysis of two types of larval
            beta-globin mRNAs of Xenopus laevis
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 13, 7899-7908 (1985)
  STANDARD  full automatic
            Data kindly reviewed (05-FEB-1986) by W. Meyerhof
            From EMBL    entry XLBGL1R;  dated 06-JUL-1989.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             49..489
                     /note="larval beta I globin (aa 1-147)"
     variation       90..90
                     /note="G is C in variant clone ref [2]"
     variation       516..516
                     /note="C is T in variant clone ref [2]"
     misc_feature    574..579
                     /note="put. polyadenylation signal"
     polyA_site      598..598
                     /note="polyadenylation site"
BASE COUNT      146 a    155 c    137 g    160 t
        1 tacttctgcc atttgaagtc ttagcagcta ctcccatcta cagccaccat ggtgcacctg
       61 tcagctgatg agaaatccgc cattaacgcg gtatggtcaa aggtcaacat tgaaaatgat
      121 ggccatgatg ccctgaccag gctgctggtt gtgtttccct ggacccagag gtatttcagc
      181 agctttggaa acctatccaa tgtggctgcc atctctggaa atgccaaggt tcgtgcccat
      241 ggcaagaagg ttttgtctgc cgtcgatgaa tccatccacc atttagatga tatcaagaac
      301 ttcctctctg tactgagcac gaagcacgct gaggaactcc acgtggaccc tgaaaacttc
      361 aagcgtcttg ctgatgtgct ggtgattgtc ttggctggca aactgggagc tgccttcact
      421 cctcaagtcc aggctgcctg ggagaaattc agcgctgggc tggtggctgc tcttagccat
      481 ggctacttct aaagaatttc attccatgca aagcccaata tctgctcgcc tgcaacaaag
      541 acaactctca caataagtgc attgcttgtt gtcaataaag atttcttgtc aaactgct