[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Xenopus laevis XK81B2 keratin gene exon 1 and 5' flank

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/29/91)

LOCUS       XELK81B2G     751 bp ds-DNA             VRT       28-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Xenopus laevis XK81B2 keratin gene exon 1 and 5' flank
ACCESSION   X12730 X05180
KEYWORDS    keratin.
SOURCE      Xenopus laevis DNA.
  ORGANISM  Xenopus laevis
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Amphibia;
            Lissamphibia; Anura; Archeobatrachia; Pipoidea; Pipidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 751)
  AUTHORS   Miyatani,S., Winkles,J.A., Sargent,T.D. and Dawid,I.B.
  TITLE     Stage-specific Keratins in Xenopus laevis Embryos and Tadpoles: The
            XK81 Gene Family
  JOURNAL   J. Cell Biol. 103, 1957-1965 (1986)
  STANDARD  full automatic
            *source: clone=G8103;  Three homologous regions upstream of the
            TATA-box were observed in genes A1, B1 and B2. It may be speculated
            that these regions contain signals for the temporally and
            regionally controlled activation of the keratin genes during frog
            embryogenesis. See X05865 for corresponding cDNA sequence (clone
            DG118). The genomic clone G8103 was sequenced up to the end of exon
            4. In the sequence overlap of 776 nucleotides available between
            cDNA DG118 and genomic B2 exons on phage G8103 there were no
            differences. See also X04668 for gene A1 and X05154 for gene B1
            From EMBL    entry XLK81B2G;  dated 06-JUL-1989.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_feature    13..30
                     /note="homologous to A and B genes (see CC)"
     misc_feature    58..93
                     /note="homologous to A and B genes (see CC)"
     misc_feature    165..173
                     /note="homologous to A and B genes (see CC)"
     promoter        236..242
                     /note="pot. TATA-box"
     mRNA            257..751
                     /note="pot. exon 1"
     precursor_RNA   257..>751
                     /note="pot. transcript (by A1 and B1 homology)"
     CDS             314..751
                     /note="B2 keratin (AA 1-146)"
BASE COUNT      187 a    152 c    206 g    206 t
        1 ttcagcaaag ttgcctgggg caaggtgaga gggacggctg aaaactggaa agaaaagaag
       61 aatttgcctc tcccagtttc taaccaatac cttcagggct atatctttta tgtaaatatg
      121 gactgattat gatggtgatt ttctggaaac agatgctggc ctggcaaaaa aagtatttac
      181 tctgggaggc tgtccctggt gtaactgaaa cacccaccac tctttgtgta tccactatat
      241 atataggctg tcaaagctgc aggcacccat tctgttttgt gcaggctaag ttgtcaagca
      301 atacacagcc accatgtcat tccgttccag ctcttcttac tctctacaga gcaaaggcat
      361 ctctggaggt ggtggctatg gagcaggctt tggtggtggc tctggagcag gctttggtgg
      421 tggctctgga gcaggctttg gtggtggcta tggagcaggc tttggtggtg gtgcatcttc
      481 tgggttttcc cttagttctg caggtggttt tggagcagct gctgccagtt ccagcttcag
      541 caactttggt ggtaatgata agcaaaccat gcagaacctc aatgaccgtc ttgcttccta
      601 cctggagaaa gtaagagccc tggaagcagc caatgctgac ctggaactga agatccgtga
      661 gtggtatgag aagcaaaaag ggtctggtat tggagctggg tctaaggatt tcagcaaata
      721 ctttgaaatc atcagtgatt tgaggaacaa g