LOCUS XELVITB15 954 bp ds-DNA VRT 28-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene B1 5' flanking region ACCESSION X01175 KEYWORDS protein binding site; vitellogenin. SOURCE Xenopus laevis DNA. ORGANISM Xenopus laevis Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Amphibia; Lissamphibia; Anura; Archeobatrachia; Pipoidea; Pipidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 954) AUTHORS Walker,P., Germond,J.-E., Brown-Luedi,M., Givel,F. and Wahli,W. TITLE Sequence homologies in the region preceding the transcription initiation site of the liver estrogen-responsive vitellogenin and apo-VLDLII genes JOURNAL Nucleic Acids Res. 12, 8611-8626 (1984) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT From EMBL entry XLVITB15; dated 09-MAR-1987. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers misc_feature 1..938 /note="5' flanking region" misc_feature 303..308 /note="put. steroid receptor binding site" misc_feature 384..396 /note="conserved palindromic consensus sequence" misc_feature 605..617 /note="conserved palindromic consensus sequence" misc_feature 625..637 /note="conserved palindromic consensus sequence" promoter 909..915 /note="TATA box" precursor_RNA 939..>954 /note="primary transcript" BASE COUNT 306 a 157 c 171 g 320 t ORIGIN 1 gatcagcaca gctcccactg acttctatgg gaccttgatt gctattatgt ggagcagttt 61 tgtggtttta tcacttaata aatctctaca tttttagagt gttgtagaat ttttttttat 121 aaaaaaaaaa ggatttgtaa aaaaaaagga aatccaaatg ttagtaaata ggttcctaac 181 agaggtgtga acagccatta tgattttgaa atcatctgat gtaagttaaa gtgctgttgc 241 ttttgttcac agtatctttc agccatgtat taactgttgc agtaataaac agcagtgggc 301 cttgttctgt tactgttttc ttaaatccta ttacgattag agagtctgat atttattcag 361 aagatcaaat tcatcagctg gagggccaca gtgaacatgc aaataatata gcagatatgc 421 tccaccatat caaaagaata tataataaat ataggggtgc aagttccatt aggccataat 481 gctcttaggc agtagacaat gaattagtta aactaaactt ggaccgatca tcatggagaa 541 gacccaaaat gctgactggc acgtatctag tattcttatc gatcagatta gagctgatgc 601 ctccagtcac tgtgacccaa cccaagttat catgacctct tagttggcta tggtctatgg 661 gtaattatta accattattt aattcaaaga aaaatatata atattaagca ttagtttaaa 721 ataaaatgtt atattatttg ataaagtgac caagggtata tgttttgttg tttaattttg 781 attttttttt tctgcaacag ctatgagcat tgtgcaaaca tatttgggtg gatgcctata 841 attgggtaaa ggtttattat ttaccagacc caaccacttc tgtgtgcaca tgcgccagat 901 ctttctgcta taaatacact acagtatctc aaactgacat tcgccatcac catg //