LOCUS HUMRNA7SL 303 bp ss-mRNA PRI 30-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Human 7SL RNA sequence ACCESSION X01037 KEYWORDS 75L RNA; direct repeat; repetitive sequence. SOURCE Homo sapiens RNA. ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 303) AUTHORS Ullu,E., Murphy,S. and Melli,M. TITLE Human 7SL RNA consists of a 140 nucleotide middle-repetitive sequence inserted in an Alu sequence JOURNAL Cell 29, 195-202 (1982) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT Segment A is 83% homologous to the equivalent segment of the Alu consensus sequence. Segment C also shows similarity with the 3' end of the Alu sequence. From EMBL entry HSRNA7SL; dated 07-NOV-1985. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers misc_feature 1..303 /note="7L1 RNA" misc_feature 1..95 /note="segment A" repeat_region 90..95 /note="direct repeat" misc_feature 96..235 /note="segment B" misc_feature 236..303 /note="segment C" repeat_region 236..241 /note="direct repeat" BASE COUNT 57 a 84 c 107 g 55 t ORIGIN 1 aggcgccggg cgcggtggcg cgtgcctgta gtcccagcta ctcgggaggc tgaggctgga 61 ggatcgcttg agtccaggag ttctgggctg tagtgcgcta tgccgatcgg gtgtccgcac 121 taagttcggc atcaatatgg tgacctcccg ggagcggggg accaccaggt tgcctaagga 181 ggggtgaacc ggcccaggtc ggaaacggag caggtcaaaa ctcccgtgct gatcagtagt 241 gggatcgcgc ctgtgaatag ccactgcact ccagcctggg caacatagcg agaccccgtc 301 tct //