LOCUS HUMTCR1 939 bp ss-mRNA PRI 30-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Human thymocyte mRNA for T-cell antigen receptor chain (86T1) ACCESSION X00438 KEYWORDS T-cell receptor; constant region; joining region; leader peptide; variable region. SOURCE Homo sapiens RNA. ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 939) AUTHORS Hedrick,S.M., Nielsen,E.A., Kavaler,J., Cohen,D.I. and Davis,M.M. TITLE Sequence relationships between putative T-cell receptor polypeptides and immunoglobulins JOURNAL Nature 308, 153-158 (1984) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT From EMBL entry HSTCR1; dated 03-JAN-1991. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers misc_feature 1..22 /note="5' untranslated region" CDS 23..79 /note="(aa 1-19)" /product="put. leader peptide" /codon_start=23 CDS 80..373 /note="(aa 20-117)" /product="put. variable region" /codon_start=80 misc_feature 128..136 /note="poss. CHO attachment site" misc_feature 245..253 /note="poss. CHO attachment site" CDS 374..421 /note="(aa 118-133)" /product="put. joining region" /codon_start=374 misc_feature complement(375..767) /note="poss. CHO attachment site" CDS 422..>939 /note="(aa 134-306) (939 is 2nd base in codon)" /product="put. constant region fragment" /codon_start=422 misc_feature 434..442 /note="poss. CHO attachment site" misc_feature 620..628 /note="poss. CHO attachment site" BASE COUNT 242 a 237 c 237 g 223 t ORIGIN 1 ccgtctggag cctgattcca ccatgagctg caggcttctc ctctatgttt ccctatgtct 61 tgtggaaaca gcactcatga acactaaaat tactcagtca ccaagatatc taatcttggg 121 aagagcaaat aagtctttgg aatgtgagca acatctggga cataatgcta tgtactggta 181 taaacagagc gctgagaagc cgccagagct catgtttctc tacaatctta aacagttgat 241 tcgaaatgag acggtgccca gtcgttttat acctgaatgc ccagacagct ccaagctact 301 tttacatata tctgccgtgg atccagaaga ctcagctgtc tatttttgtg ccagcagcca 361 cggacagggg gtttctggaa atacgctcta ttttggagaa ggaagccggc tcattgttgt 421 agaggatctg agaaatgtga ctccacccaa ggtctccttg tttgagccat caaaagcaga 481 gattgcaaac aaacaaaagg ctaccctcgt gtgcttggcc aggggcttct tccctgacca 541 cgtggagctg agctggtggg tgaatggcaa ggaggtccac agtggggtca gcacggaccc 601 tcaggcctac aaggagagca attatagcca ctgcctgagc agccgcctga gggtctctgc 661 taccttctgg cacaatcctc gcaaccactt ccgctgccaa gtgcagttcc atgggctttc 721 agaggaggac aagtggccag agggctcacc caaacctgtc acacagaaca tcagtgcaga 781 ggcctggggc cgagcagact gtgggattac ctcagcatcc tatcaacaag gggtcttgtc 841 tgccaccatc ctctatgaga tcctgctagg gaaagccacc ctgtatgctg tgcttgtcag 901 tacactggtg gtgatggcta tggtcaaaag aaagaattc //