LOCUS HUMTCRA17 164 bp ss-mRNA PRI 30-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Human mRNA for T-cell receptor alpha-chain HAP28 V(a)11.1-J(a)R ACCESSION X04952 KEYWORDS T-cell receptor; T-cell receptor alpha; constant region; diversity region; joining region; variable region. SOURCE Homo sapiens RNA. ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 164) AUTHORS Yoshikai,Y., Kimura,N., Toyonaga,B. and Mak,T.W. TITLE Sequences and repertoire of human T-cell receptor alpha chain variable region genes in mature T lymphocytes JOURNAL J. Exp. Med. 164, 90-103 (1986) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT *source: cell type=peripheral T-cell; clone=HAP28; From EMBL entry HSTCRA17; dated 29-JUN-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers misc_feature 1..164 /note="T-cell receptor alpha-chain" misc_feature 1..94 /note="variable region (truncated)" misc_feature 95..104 /note="pot. diversity region" misc_feature 105..157 /note="joining region" misc_feature 158..164 /note="constant region" BASE COUNT 36 a 38 c 49 g 41 t ORIGIN 1 atggctttgc agagcactct gggggcggtg tggctagggc ttctcctcaa ctctctctgg 61 aaggttgcag aaagcaagga ccaagtgttt cagccttcgg gctcgtaaca atgccagact 121 catgtttgga gatggaactc agctggtggt gaagcctaat atcc //